Chapter 8

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"How exactly do you keep all of this in your mind?" Reyna whispered, eyes fixed on the notes Luna was making for her English class.
"By studying hard," Luna silently chuckled, even a little more as she saw Reyna roll her eyes.

After classes, they had gone to the library to study before they would go to work. They wouldn't go to the ARIA today since Jackson, Charlie, Nicholas, and Lucas would practice with Caleb and train a few other agents to be able to fight against Kane.

The girls had started of with studying for business together before Luna focused on her English classes and Reyna on her Fashion design classes. They had been at it for a few hours now and it was getting dark outside. They would have to leave soon, anyways.

"Don't give me that speech. I learn just like you and you still revise much faster than me," Reyna complained. She leaned in and smiled brightly at Luna. "Please, tell me your tricks."
"I don't have any tricks. Maybe I just have easier stuff to study?" she suggested and nudged Reyna with her shoulder. Her friend pouted. "Why don't you study with Natalie? Makes things more fun and maybe they remain better in your mind."

A grin appeared on Reyna's face and she raced her eyebrows. "Do I wanna know what games you play with Lucas?"
Luna immediately turned red. "That's not what I said. We don't play any games."
"Sure you don't." Her expression told her that she wasn't buying it. Thereby, it was the truth.
They had studied together, but not the way Reyna thought they did.

"Reyna!" Luna silently exclaimed. Reyna chuckled.
"Fine, I believe you, but not because Lucas is such an angel."
"Can't we go back to the times where we talked about your sex life and kept mine far away?" Luna turned back to her notes and went on. She would be done soon and it seemed to her that Reyna was done studying.

"Oh, no. Back then you didn't have a sex life, now you do, so you won't escape me this time," Reyna threatened. Luna chuckled silently. It was a good think no one was around to listen to their conversation. "But if you're so interested, the sex with Natalie is heaven and hell. It's wild, and pretty much perfect. And you?"

Now, it was Luna's turn to roll her eyes. "It's perfect. Lucas is perfect. And you are bored."
"Yes, I am. Can we go? I'm done for today."
"Just give me a few more minutes to finish this and we can leave. Wanna get Chinese for dinner or are you gonna go with cupcakes like last night?" She turned the page and copied the information she needed.

"Fine. So, how is your research going?"
"Bad," Luna answered and grabbed her phone. The display had gone on, signaling that she got a message. It was Lucas and once she read it she had to smile.
'I'm training with Caleb and it's too funny to watch them not being able to handle it, though they're good agents. And I miss you. What are you doing?' He had added a red heart to it.

"Great. I get a one word answer and Lucas takes you away from me," Reyna stated.
"Awful, terrible, horrible," Luna answered, grinned and started texting.
"Lu!" Reyna exclaimed. She chuckled and kept writing as she answered Reyna.

"At first I had no idea what to do. Then I started writing down what I knew, it's not as much as I thought. I know their names, how they look, where they live, the landline number, and that they lost their baby. I ended up searching the internet about kidnapping cases the year I was born. And it's horrible how many children get lost every year."

She added a red heart and sent the text.'You're enjoying it way too much. I'm talking to Reyna, studying, and texting you. I miss you, too.' 
"I know," Reyna responded. "You would think parents don't let their kids out of their eyes. Anyway, did you find something?"

"Nothing useful. I found nothing I could connect to Malcolm, but then again it could've been kept secret. I found my missing report, it even had a picture of me as a baby, so they did look for me. I followed the reports, but they don't go far. They stopped looking a few months later, I don't know if they assumed I was dead or there was no way in finding me." Luna had turned back to her notes to finish fast, so they could leave.

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