Chapter 41

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"I don't mind your silence," Lucas said and pushed himself off the wall. "It will make no difference whether you confess or not. You'll be locked up." He stepped to the end of the table.

The ten men sat on both sides of it, hands on the table in handcuffs. They were slouching in the chair as if they had no care in the world. As if they weren't being sentenced right now. They were confident and Lucas would love to do nothing less than punch it out of them.

The past hours had been spent with interviewing them alone and in groups of two. They would give no comment and no approach he attempted worked. They kept quiet and refused to admit the murder they committed. He had held back the information that they  were being sentenced for other crimes until now.

Lucas had hoped that they would admit their crimes, but that hope already started wavering half an hour ago. At this point, he could only give up and try interviews later again. Even then, he had a feeling that they would not have a change of heart.

"There is nothing to say. You don't even have the right to hold us here without any evidence," Raul said. Evidence, that's what he needed and he could only start praying for it. However, the likelihood of getting it is as high as that an angel will fall from the sky and bring it to him.

Lucas signed to the one way mirror. A moment later the door opened and an agent handed him the thick file before leaving. He held up the file to the men. "The evidence that you partook and committed several crimes, and are members of illegal gangs. I don't need your statements for it. So you see, I have every right to arrest you."

"You're bluffing," Leroy declared.
Lucas eyed him with a stern look. "Leroy Salverro. Illegal drug transportation across borders, not even that long ago. You took a trip to Mexico just last year."
"Lucky guess." He smirked at him.

"Owen Ashton and Samuel Ramirez. Should we talk about the hundreds of women and children you sold to prostitution? You two transported them from Nigeria and Bangladesh to Europe ten years ago. Now it's illegal transportation into America. Charles Scott. I found your little strip club, the amount of drugs there are concerning. I'm wondering if the women are there on their own free will too. Should I have them come in and give their statements?"

He had to say no more. They had immediately quietened down, knowing Lucas was right and had the evidence.
"Should I go on?" he fueled them, but also made it clear that he had control, that he held the power and they had no chance of walking out of her unpunished.
"Fine. But this ain't any murder and you can't prove that," Paul braved and matched Lucas' stern expression.

"I have enough to finish the job and have you sentenced for lifetime imprisonment. Or you could make my life easier and just admit it." It was a lie. He had Luna's vision, the information about Maverick, and the fact that he called all of them to warn them about it. However, not with one word was it mentioned that they were talking about murder, yet alone his mother's murder.

It was not enough, he needed more and they seemed to be confident that he would find nothing.
"Go ahead and lock us up. We have the money and connections to be out in a couple months. But you can't accuse us of murder without evidence," Jacob said. They were right. If he didn't find the evidence and began the court process that had to follow, they would be free.

Their looks, their chilled posture, the grins. It all said they weren't worried and prepared to sit their time and go back to where they left. He was about to call this interview done. There was nothing to make them speak.

His gaze wandered around the table, held a little longer on Maverick. Of them all, he was the most anxious. Whether it was due to a lack of experience or fear, he couldn't tell. But Maverick knew he had something to lose and it scared him. Lucas expected him to break first, but he kept quiet, let the others talk.

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