Chapter 15

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Lucas lightly squeezed Luna's hand, which now lay back in her lap. She was sleeping, her eyes softly closed and her lips just slightly parted. Luna looked cuter, even more innocent when she was sleeping. He adored her, would adore her for the rest of his life.

This morning he had picked her up straight from work for their trip to New York. Already when he walked into the café, he had seen that she was tired and would probably fall asleep on the drive. She had assured him that she wouldn't and intended to talk to him the whole way.

Lucas had chuckled, but they had started talking while he drove and the radio played in the background. However, she fell asleep rather quickly and he let her sleep. For a fact, he knew she had worked a lot last night. Even before the all nighter, she had been at work for a few hours. She had barely slept in his office as planed and tonight she had to pull another all nighter.

The only good thing was that they had a two week Christmas break now and could spend more time together. And since Christmas Eve was tomorrow, her stress would be gone soon.
Lucas and Reyna had kept a close eye on Luna making sure she ate and drunk enough and didn't overwork herself.

His gaze fell back on their intertwined hands. Lucas had taken her hand shortly after he had started driving. She had played with his fingers while talking and fell asleep holding his hand in hers.

He lifted their hands to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. It didn't wake her up, so he leaned over and gently kissed both of her eyes. That did wake her up slowly.
Confused she opened her eyes and looked at him. When the realization fell on her, her shoulders dropped. "I feel asleep, didn't I?" Lucas nodded with a smile.
"Don't worry about it. I promise to fall asleep on you sometime soon." She shook her head, but he saw the corners of her mouth lift.

He got out and opened the door for her. "You're charming again," she said.
"Only for you." They started walking since he had parked the car a little further away from the house. The plan was for him to hide nearby and let Luna go and see if her parents were there. He didn't like the plan, but they had no better.

They stopped a few meters away. "Please be careful," he told her as he kissed her forehead to let her go walk up to the house.
"I'll be fine. They wouldn't hurt me." The only thing that calmed his nerves a little. How evil those people were, they had a soft spot for their daughter and wouldn't hurt her. Still, he wasn't sure what was more important to them. Their daughter or their boss.

Lucas didn't dare tell Luna this. She was already struggling so much and the knowledge that these people that raised her actually loved her and thought of her as their own daughter, gave Luna unknowingly a feeling of having been loved. Most importantly that not all her life had been a lie. That there was truth in it too.

He watched Luna walk towards the house as she took her phone and called him. He picked up, but his eyes were focused on every move she did. If something went wrong, he had to act in less than a second to protect her.

She walked up the porch, there was no one else on the streets and Lucas saw no one watching from the windows of the house or any other house. He barely heard anything. Just the cars passing by and the few animals that were outside at this cold.

Luna rang the doorbell, no one answered and she tried again. When no one came, she knocked and called for her parents. Still, no one opened the door and she grabbed her phone.
"No one's responding and I don't hear anything from inside. I think it's safe," she told him.
"Wait before you open the door," he instructed, he was already walking to her.

In a few minutes, he stood next to her and listened. When he couldn't hear any movements or sounds either, he stepped aside to let Luna open the door.
They kept quiet once they were inside.

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