Chapter 64

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"I can't wait to go," excited, Natalie finished her report. She spend the past half an hour telling Emma and Luna about the trip to California she was taking with Reyna the week before classes started again. And they had planned to do so much.

"That sounds like you guys gonna be busy," Emma commented and took a spoon of her fried rice. It was Monday evening and the girls wanted to go out for dinner, they ended up at an indian restaurant and had basically eaten up already.

"It's gonna be a lot of fun," Reyna said, "You two should go on a vacation too once all this is over. How is it going with the legend?"
Luna and Emma looked at each other. They were frustrated with their research.

"We might get close to have heard of every love story, happy and sad endings, to have ever been told," Luna wrapped it up.
"We also might know every castle in the United States of America," Emma added.
"That bad?" Natalie asked and took the last bite of her food.

"Whenever we think we've got something, we go after it and then end up at the beginning again. At this point, it's hard getting the stories. We're talking to different professors, explorers, tribe people to get all the old stories. Stories that might not even been written down." Luna cupped her drink in her hands, the cold of it seeking into her skin.

"Luna and I have been discussing the last part of the legend today. We came to the point where were questioning whether they actually have to die or not. It-"
"Hold on. Wasn't there a line saying they had to die. Something with harmony in their deaths?" Reyna voiced her thoughts.

"A world disrupted finds harmony in their death," Luna recalled the line. She had read the legend so often that she didn't need to look at it anymore to recall its exact words.

Emma and her had spend a great deal today during her work and afterwards discussing that last part and they had looked at it from every possible angle they could think of. That Caleb and Kane didn't necessarily have to die was a theory they read between the lines of the legend. The fineprint you could say.

"It does, but maybe the legend is offering more than one way to solve this situation and Luna and I think in one of these versions they don't necessarily have to die," Emma explained.
That is what they had come up with. There were so many lines that were indefinite. Not that the legend in itself was indefinite, but the last part left so much open.

Fate will be written anew. Whose fate will be written anew? This world's fate wasn't written at all yet, it could go either way. So why write it anew?
May a cycle begin again, of its nature yet to be defined. Was it really just going to be a decision between peace and destruction? Or was their more? Could they possible break that cycle?

The whole last part was a question of what if and different interpretations. It could be talking of the present, or it could be speaking of the past.

"We also think that some of the lines are referring to the past rather than the present and might indicate something like a different solution," Emma took a deep breath. "Then, their is Luna's vision." They had told their friends all about it.

"I still can't make it all out, but we're sure that there will be a great outbreak of power. Not sure what kind of power though," Luna finished up their discussion.
"Well, you two did find out a lot," Natalie encouraged.
"Wouldn't be bad if one of those things was where that castle is and what kind of place it is."

"It's likely it's magical," Luna explained when Natalie and Reyna looked at them with questioning eyes.
"What kind of magic?" Reyna asked cautiously.
"We don't know," Luna admitted. "Considering that it seems to be from different eras, some kind of magic that keeps it alive? Maybe changes its appearance. I'm rather interested in how it looks inside."

"It could be totally rotten and creepy," Reyna opted.
"Or it could look royal due to magic," Natalie countered.
"Is that a bet?" Natalie smiled and shook Reyna's hand. "If I win, I'll get to do whatever I want with you."

"Too much information for us," Emma called out, taking a big sip from her drink. Luna followed her action and cupped the glass in her hands again, keeping her eyes on the pink drink. Her mind started wandering off a little, to Lucas and what she had said in his office yesterday.

She hadn't gotten to see him today. This morning she received a message that they had a lead on Malcolm and suspected his next attack could happen soon. He flew with the others to Delaware. He didn't ask her to come, she didn't ask if he wanted her to.

"Alright, what parameters are you taking for finding the castle?"
"Creepy places?" Emma's answer sounded more like a question than a statement, but it was one. They decided that it would likely be a place not many people liked to go to, otherwise it would be more heard off. "Placed more hidden and not for public purposes, and destroyed castles. Magic could bring us to the actual castle."

"Can we help?" Natalie offered.
"I think we're good, but we're definitely telling you when we found the castle," Emma declined. Truth be told it felt like they were walking in circles. Luna's life felt like a circle right now. Nothing was really working and nothing was making sense to her. Not her feelings or thoughts, she could barely concentrate on one thing.

That was bad, things felt much worse than before.
She needed to let it out, figure out what she needed, but she just didn't know. She didn't know what she needed, what she wanted, what would help to make her feel better.

By the angels, she even tried to understand what she was feeling, but she couldn't tell.
And she didn't know what to tell Lucas when he asked again.

"Luna?" Reyna's hand on hers pulled her back to her friends.
"Hmm?" Reyna reached over the table and wiped away the tear on her cheek. She hadn't even realized that she had started crying.

"You know, you can talk to me about the vision or whatever you like if you don't wanna talk to Lucas because it's about his mum," Reyna offered. "I'm your best friend, you can always come to me, nothing will come between us and what we have."
Luna squeezed Reyna's hand. "I know. Thank you." She offered her a smile.

She loved Reyna for that.
For being her best friend and always supporting her, for not giving up on her, and for not pressing even if she wanted to. Luna knew her friends only wanted to help.

"You can talk to us too. We'll listen," Emma and Natalie confirmed.
"Thanks. Just not now," Luna replied and they understood. "Can you imagine how hard training with Caleb is? He's kicking my butt no matter how much better I get and that boy is seven years old."

"Not just yours," Emma joined the new topic. "I just keep telling myself that he is a goddess and that I have no chance against a goddess."
"Cheers to that," Reyna raised her glass, they followed and drunk, "I still have bruises." They kept talking about the training, switched to the parties they went to. Reyna told in full expanse about Lucas confronting Jason since Emma apparently still hadn't heard about it.

Emma told them about the party Wyatt took her too. Told them about Wyatt's friends and how they gave no care about him being black and meant it, about how they treated her like one of them and not like a rich girl. She had a lot of fun.

And Luna being here with her friends, talking about the most common, normal stuff, felt like everything was alright for that moment. It wouldn't hold, but it felt good for right now.

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