Chapter 9

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The same night Lucas fell into his bed and yawned. He was ready to fall asleep just like that, fully clothed, without washing, or checking whether his step brother was home or not.
It was silent, so Asher had to be gone. Considering that it was the middle of the week and they had college in the morning, he could only groan about his brother.

He grabbed his phone, not to check on his brother, but to check on Luna. She said she was doing a night shift into the early hours and would fall asleep on his shoulder tomorrow in business class. He had smiled at that and promised to let her sleep.

A glance on his phone told him that she already wrote him. He wrote her back.
'Hey, I just came home, and I'm exhausted. How is it going there?'  He put the phone beside him and closed his eyes. He wasn't sure whether Luna would write him back immediately or later. She said the café would be more and more packed the closer they came to Christmas and that she had to prepare a bunch of orders.

He could sit down and study a little more before he actually went to bed, but then again, his bed felt way too good right now. Getting anything useful in his mind was unlikely too. Maybe he could get up early and study before class? It sounded tempting.

His phone chimed with a message when he was almost asleep. Grabbing his phone, he saw Luna's message. 'Not too busy anymore, but here are still a bunch of people. And I still have to finish so many orders.' A second later he received a photo of the christmas cake she was decorating.

'It's a chocolate cake,' she told him, knowing exactly how much he loved chocolate cakes.
'It looks delicious and amazing. Can I have one too?' He received a laughing emoji as an answer. 'I would be pleased if I get you. You're even sweeter.'
'Stop it' Another laughing emoji. He chuckled. 'Are you tired? I can let you sleep.'

'Yeah, but I don't want to sleep yet.' Texting with Luna always was the best part of his day, that or falling asleep with her in his arms, though the latter happened way too less, in his opinion. 'Keep talking to me, please,' he wrote, but then he remembered that she was at work and loaded with work. 'If you can. Don't wanna disturb you or get you in trouble.' 

'My boss is chill, she has no problem with me talking as long as I get the job done.'
'Okay. Want me to call you?'
'You can, but I'm not sure you will hear anything. It's so loud here, so many people.' She had added a laughing emoji, the same he sent her back.

'Did you get far with your mother's case?' she asked. When Luna had left for work, Lucas had told her that he would stay late and work on the case. He had been reading the file over and over again now, but there was nothing useful in there.

He had found out her full name. 
Malaya Davis-Carter.
The file included the names of her parents too and he had debated hours whether or not to call them. He could ask them how his mother was when she was younger, before she met his father and had a son. He could ask if she had any problems with someone, it could help.

He had decided against it. It was not enough and he hardly believed that his mother actually had problems with someone.
There was also Luna's vision about how his mother died. He was more than sure that what Luna saw and felt was exactly what happened. Which means, if his mother had known them, Luna would have felt that. Maybe a striking thought would have passed her mind, but that hadn't been the case.

Lucas hadn't asked Luna again.
He didn't want her to hurt because he needed a tiny information that was probably not even there. He rather looked a little longer. Was even more confident in doing so if it meant he didn't have to put that vision back in Luna's head.

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