Chapter 56

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The same evening they were back in a meeting room at the ARIA.
Jackson had some news for them and wanted Emma and Luna to share their findings about the legend and receive some input from the others if possible.

Luna and Lucas had arrived first in the meeting room and sat in silence next to each other. The lack of sleep started to show and she wouldn't get any anytime soon, considering that she had to go to work after this.

Her head leaned against Lucas' shoulder and he had put his arm around her, holding her to his chest and letting her rest. Lucas himself was focused on the file Jackson had just given him, it was about what he wanted to discuss in a bit, but Luna was too tired to be interested and look into it.

Having her eyes closed but being unable to fall asleep, her mind went back to the conversation with Jason earlier. She didn't know how to deal with it, how to make it clear to him that it was over besides clearly telling him that. Wasn't being in a serious relationship with another person sign enough she moved on?

More than that, he was annoying her with his constant following. Today hadn't been the first time he looked for her and tried to talk. He even started to coincidently come to the Café when she was working. Either with friends or alone. And of course, he tried talking to her.

Gazing up, she saw Lucas' sharp chin, eyes fixed on the papers.
Luna hadn't told him about Jason. She had thought she could handle it herself, but maybe she should ask him. At the least, he could tell her what to do.

She straightened in her chair to face Lucas, instantly he turned his attention over to her.
"How do you feel?" she asked carefully.
He smiled and placed his hand on her cheek. "I'm good, love. Don't worry about me." She nodded, though she didn't entirely believe him.

"Can I tell you about something?" He nodded, lowered his arm and listened. "I met Jason today and he said that he's still in love with me and wants us to get back together. I told him it's over and I'm very happy with you, but he doesn't give up."

Lucas frowned, moved his arm from her waist to the back of her chair. He tilted his head.
"Since when and how often did that happen?" he inquired.
"He never really stopped and would appear every now and then or try talking to me when we're with our friends. I told him clearly, but..."
"But he keeps bothering you." Luna nodded as an answer. "Did he ever hurt you in any way?"

She shook her head. "No, just attempts to convince me that he's the better fit for me."
"Is he?" He leaned back, she could visibly see how he was holding his breath.
She hit his chest lightly, looked at him with a mad expression. "Don't ever say that again!" she demanded.

"You deserve the best, Luna, and-"
"That's you," she interrupted him before he could go there, "You're perfect for me, I don't want anyone else. So get it in your head that I will love you for the rest of my entire life and beyond that with all my heart."

Lucas smiled, his eye lids lowered as he tilted his head a little down.
"Understood?" she assured, crossing her arms.
He moved in and kissed her. "Yes. I won't say that again."

When he leaned back in his chair, she returned to their prior conversation. "Anyways, when I told him off again, he left after inviting us to a party next week."
"You're going?" Lucas asked, pursing his lips. He was thinking about something.
She shook her head. "He's just gonna try again and I don't feel like putting up with that. But Reyna might go with Natalie."

Lucas ran his hand through his hair before pulling her chair closer to his and letting his hand slide down her arm. He intertwined their hands and rested them in her lap.
"You should go."

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