Chapter 36

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Luna stood in front of the door.
Behind it she would find the stone bed Caleb had lain on all those weeks ago.
That had been the spontaneous plan she had come up with, go and see if there was something that could help their mission, but right now, she was more fascinated with all the engravings on the double doors.

She felt a little bad for leaving Lucas behind when she had promised to accompany him and be there for him if he needed her.

However, when Lucas and his mother had finally faced each other, when his mother had touched his cheek so lovingly, she simply knew. They were having a beautiful moment. A moment between mother and son. Something they never had been able to have before and was even more intense now. She knew they were not going to have many of those either and she would never ruin this one moment they had. The one he would remember for the rest of his life. The one that was going to change the way he saw himself.

So, she left them and had gone outside first, wandering around the cemetery. The snow had frozen, leaving the dark ground and the tombstones uncovered. Even though it was not even noon yet, everything seemed dark and gloomy, causing a shiver to run up her back.

The tense atmosphere, the cold, and the fact that they probably had a lot to talk about made her decide to go through with her idea now instead of later. Earlier when she had closed the book again, her eyes had fallen on the wall with the secret door for a brief second. It was enough for the question to pop up in her head. Could there be something that explained how Kane and Caleb were going to die?

She had been looking outside for the answer too. The cemetery was so old that barely anyone remembered when it came to be. The people buried here must have been long forgotten. Their stories long untold.
That was all she found.
That and the threatening feeling she had.

Lucas was to engrossed in the conversation to perceive her coming inside and slipping through the secret door quietly. It had taken her longer to reach the door this time as she had used her light magic to inspect every corner, a hand gliding over the wall to find something hidden. 

Anything inside of here had to have meaning, value to Caleb and the legend.
Could give them an advantage to Malcolm. The realization that Malcolm might have the same made her vary. Time was running out because he was going to do something. Was going to do something powerful and she hesitated to say that they could handle it.

The engravings on the double doors were the first thing she found since she entered the passage. She raised her hand to stroke the pictures and words with her fingers. They hadn't been there the first time they opened these doors.

The left side held different forms, circles and lines, and people. She saw two children, Caleb and Kane. The right side held two sentences: 'Shielded by Sadira' and 'The world's savior'.

Luna pushed open the right door to step into the big room, leaving the engravings behind. She would take a couple pictures of them later to have a closer look. But now she had to get faster before Lucas went looking for her.

The room looked no different from the first time. The blue light was shining above the empty stone bed. At its foot stood the wooden ball, the blade of the knife shining in the light. Luna walked closer, saw that their mixed blood in the bowl had dried and colored the wood a dark red.

Luna turned back around, she had spread her light in the room. The little sparks lightened up every little part of the big room, presenting to her the stone walls. She felt the energy ruling the place. Emma and her had felt it the first time, felt it around Caleb and Kane, but even without him present it was immense.

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