Chapter 31

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It's been five minutes since Lucas left her with her grandparents and they had been silently sitting at the round table and watched each other.
It had gone good as long as Lucas had been here, he had introduced them to each other and exchanged some words with her grandparents before leaving them alone to talk.

For a second, Luna had held on to Lucas' hand when he wanted to leave. He had turned around and stepped back to her. Kissing her temple, he had whispered the question into her ear. Do you want me to stay? She had needed a deep breath before hesitantly shaking her head. He had understood that she needed him for just a moment longer and given her that.

Now, she was sitting here with them and had no idea how to start a conversation. Not that she had ever been good at starting a conversation with strangers. She had Reyna for that, her friend had never an issue with talking to anyone. Probably because she didn't care what other people thought of her opinion.

Luna looked at all four of them, seeing the features of her parents, seeing features of herself.
Both of her grandparents from her mother's side, Emberlynn and Camillo, had blue eyes and brown hair in different shades. Flora and Gian were her grandparents from her father's side and while Flora had brown hair and grey eyes, Gian had blond hair and blue eyes.

The two men and Flora were tall, Luna was guessing that she had her small height from Emberlynn, who was still taller than her. All of them were fairy, she knew that. Also knew their powers from their files she had read.

So, she knew that Flora held the power of nature, Emberlynn the power of wind. Gian could control fire and Camillo storms. She figured out that powers of nature run in her family.

"You're beautiful," Emberlynn finally broke the silence.
"You look a lot like your mother," Flora agreed with a gentle smile.
"Thank you." Luna returned the smile, still didn't know what to say.

"You're gonna scare her away and we only now found her," Gian chuckled, the stern look falling. He turned his full attention towards her. "You should know that we had no idea we had a grandchild. You're the only one too. You're boyfriend already told us that you've been trying to contact us and the only reason we didn't pick up the phone is because we didn't know."

"It's alright. I actually thought you knew since my biological parents were looking for me and all their friends knew." She bit her lip and put her hands under her thighs.
"For a couple of years all of us lived together abroad in Europe while they stayed here. We used to video chat and visit a lot," Camillo explained. "Well, that was until we lost contact."

"You called us for a reason, didn't you?" Emberlynn asked. Luna only nodded. "Honestly, the whole supernatural world knows what is going on at the moment and the terrible things the Black Stitch are doing. We know that our children, your parents, are a part of them."

Luna nodded again, inspecting every movement of their faces. She was looking for something that told her what they were thinking of her. Whether they thought she was a bad or a good person. Whether they thought she was like her parents, the ones that raised her, though her grandparents had no idea who those people were.

"Are you worried we would hurt you?" Flora questioned, tilting her head, eyes fixed on Luna.
"No," Luna answered truthfully. And it was the truth. She could feel it, feel that she could trust these people. Also, Lucas was not far and even if he couldn't hear what they were talking about, he would not let anything happen to her.

Confusion struck Flora's face, then something like realization replaced the emotion.
"We don't think you're somehow evil or anything. We're really excited to meet you." The others seemed to understand.
"Flora is right. We barely know you and we're not gonna judge until we properly get to meet you. Though I already believe you to be a wonderful woman," Gian agreed.

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