Chapter 44

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Both girls leaned back against the seats in Luna's car. They had convinced Emma's parents that they were fine enough to drive on their own. The Taylors would follow them to the ARIA and leave once the girls were inside.

Mrs. Taylor had witched some bandages for Luna's wrists. They stopped the blood flow, but the wounds were still burning. However, considering that her whole body was tired and saying no, it was barely anything.

"Do you think the boys, would've let us inside their car like this?" Emma asked, turning her head slightly to Luna and grinning. Luna chuckled and shook her head.
After abandoning the wet blankets, their bags and jackets on the backseats of the car, they had to find that they were drenched from head to toe.

"The relationship might end there."
Emma laughed out. "Who needs them? We two just get together."
Smiling, Luna looked down in her lap. The keys to her car lay there, Emma's parents were waiting in the car behind them.

She should start the car and drive to the ARIA headquarters. Lucas was working tonight and she had written Wyatt on the way that he should come to the headquarters. That Emma was fine but might need him. Then, she had turned her phone off, knowing questions would follow. Not only from him, but her own boyfriend as well. The moment Wyatt told him, Lucas would worry and call her a dozen times.

She should drive back, but there was still something she wanted to know. Something that came up in her mind the moment the adrenaline left her body. She was too curious not to speak it out.

"You could've used your magic to get the legend from my bag and leave, but you didn't, you were ready to go down for me."

"I'm not ready to lose you or the others. You guys are the first real friends I ever had. This is not just about me standing up for myself to my parents. This is also about standing up to myself and I wouldn't have gotten that courage without all of you."

Emma took Luna's hand and squeezed it. "Especially not without you. Not disregarding everything I talked about with Wyatt, but he had a crush on me. You didn't, you just took me in without a question. I was the girl working on a project with Reyna, the girl that knew Wyatt. You didn't have to take me in, but you did."

They turned in their seats to face each other. "Maybe it's because we work so much together on the mission or the fact that we do both. Talk about the mission and stupid things as if they were the most important things in the world."
"They are, but yes, I love our talks," Luna confessed, squeezing Emma's hand right back.

"I love you, your personality. You just make someone be themselves and not hide because you're so warm and open. You basically walk to people with open arms and sometimes I think it's dangerous and you're putting yourself in a vulnerable position."

"I know, but I always knew that Reyna's gonna kick ass and do whatever it takes to make sure I'm safe. And just know that I will do the same for you, even if you got Wyatt for it."
"Thank you. You're an amazing friend." Emma leaned over and pulled her in for a hug, a hug she gladly returned.

The girls pulled apart and Luna started the car.
"Shall we get our asses kicked?"
"We shall," Emma replied laughing, though they both knew that they were done.


In front of him were the two rows of computers that stood parallel to each other. Some in the back were occupied by a couple agents working together on a mission. The three right in front of him, two on the right and one on the left, were occupied by Charlie, Nicholas, and Jackson.

The prior two were trying to locate Malcolm, figure out his next steps and take measurements to ensure people's safety. The latter was talking to Lucas. Jackson had just returned from another interrogation with Sam. Lucas couldn't interrogate him since he was using Luna to provoke him.
He had taken over interrogating Tresha, but the woman was not saying a word. Literally.

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