Chapter 73

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Terror. That was a good word to describe what went through her for a second as she saw Kane standing next to Malcolm.

Luna couldn't tell how that happened, but somehow Kane had beat Caleb, who was on the ground and getting back up. She couldn't tell what was going to happen either. Kane had all the power, and Malcolm was the one who controlled him.

As Kane touched it, black magic swirled around his body, a dark glow consuming him. Black magic swirled around the blade too. Luna pushed herself up on her fours and onto her legs, her wings were gone.

Kane wielded the sword, releasing magic with such a strength she had never witnessed before. Wave after wave of magic spread through the room, people being caught by it and thrown back.
The girls, Caleb, every witch and warlock, and every fairy created a shield, protecting themselves and the people around them from the immense power.

The magic didn't only grasp Luna and her team, it caught Malcolm's gang members too. The magic was directed at everyone, it didn't separate between good and bad, between friend and foe. Was it Kane who decided or had he no control over the sword?

The first fairy couldn't withstand the power and was thrown back, the shield going down and taking a few people with it.

Luna could feel her powers being strained. The waves of magic hit against her light shield, the collision causing a loud boom sound. Emma stood a few meters to her left, her shield up, holding the magic back and protecting her, Wyatt, Lucas and some more people. Luna knew that behind her were Reyna, Natalie, and Nicholas at the least. Charlie had been caught by the first wave of magic, he lay on the ground conscious. Jackson must be somewhere behind them too, but whether he was standing she didn't know.

The one fairy was followed by a warlock, that warlock by a witch. One by one they were taken out until only Emma, Luna, and Caleb remained standing. However, it wouldn't be much longer until the magic took them down too.

Another wave hit against the shield. Luna strengthened it as good as she could. Her body got tired, her arms and hands started to shake. She held back four more waves. At the fifth, Emma's shield went down. At the sixth it was Luna's.

Her body was thrown back a little. The shield had held off some of the might of the attack.
She lay on her stomach once again, felt the stone underneath her hands.
Caleb was still standing.

For a moment she watched the spectacle in front of her. She watched Kane, something about this was wrong. What was it? Then she realized it.

It wasn't the sword that decided the attack. The sword was an object enhancing and holding enormous power. But it didn't decide what was supposed to happen. That was on Kane to decide. So, why was she still alive? Why were they all still alive?

A sword that could kill gods, should easily kill a few supernaturals.
Unless, Kane didn't want them to die. Why?

Luna's eyes focused on his. He wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Caleb and yet it seemed as if he was looking through Caleb. As if he wasn't even here, as if he was in his mind. She recalled the legend. 'When powers clash, hearts are broken and memories tested'. That's what the legend said. Memories tested.

Kane was remembering his past, he was remembering living somewhere as Kadira with her sister. He wasn't looking through Caleb, he was recognizing him. He was fighting the control.

The next wave of magic collided against Caleb's shield and not even he could hold it back and was ripped to the ground.

Malcolm and Kane were the only one's left standing. A devilish grin plastered to Malcolm's face. He had gotten what he wanted. A power no one could stop, a power so great that it will put this whole world into terror.

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