Chapter 29

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The next day Lucas was gathering some papers, about to leave and see Maverick when he heard Luna's steps coming towards his office.
"Come in," he told her before she could knock. Her sweet scent hit his nose and spread in the room as he turned around with a soft smile.

"Hey," she came over to him and gave him a short kiss.
"Hey," he replied and finished putting the papers he needed together. Then, he leaned against the front of the desk and gave all his attention to his girlfriend.

"I actually don't have a reason why I'm here. I didn't see you at college and just wanted to see you now since I'm going to work all night."

Confusion struck him. "I thought it was only half the night?"
"It was, but I took over a shift for a colleague and am working all night now." He didn't like that. Considering she had broken down before, he didn't like the sound of her working so long. Especially, because Luna seemed to be a little off these days. Tired and somewhere else with her mind.

"Promise me you won't overwork yourself," he asked, knowing he couldn't stop her from working. She stepped closer and hugged him. He wrapped his arms protectively around her.
"I promise. Don't worry, I'll be alright." They didn't separate. Lucas didn't want to pull away as he felt that she needed this hug. Came for this.

Something was wrong.
Something was very wrong and he should make her tell him. But Luna would have already told him if she had any problems. He knew she would tell him. Still, something was wrong. He just knew. So, the question was what did he oversee? What was there that he forgot about?

"You're alright?" he asked softly.
"Yeah. Just a little tired because I studied all day," she answered. There was something more to that answer. He could feel it, feel that she was holding something back from him. Why would she do something like that? She wouldn't get herself in trouble, would she?
No, she promised him no be careful.

He just nodded and turned around to grab a little note.
"I talked to your grandparents. All four of them will come tomorrow evening to the ARIA and you can talk to them here," he informed her. It was the first thing he did today and getting through to them was rather easy.

"Thank you," he heard the hesitation in her voice.
"They didn't pick up because they didn't know the number and thought you were a scam caller or something like that. We used to do the same thing. It was not because of you," he told her sensing what was on her mind. "Actually, they didn't know about you." He placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her closer by the waist. "I will leave it to them to explain since they want to tell you themselves. But they were all excited to meet you and asked me to tell them about you."

"Really?" Her mind was overthinking and no matter how cute she was when she did, he hated her doubting herself and being afraid.
"Really. How could they not?" He took her hand and made her turn around her own axis. "You're breathtaking."

"You're being overly charming." Luna took a step back. "What were you doing when I came in?" she changed the topic, but before he could answer her, Charlie opened the door and slammed it shut behind her. He didn't miss how hard Luna flinched and gasped at the booming sound of the door shutting closed.

She stood with her back to the door, meaning she couldn't see Charlie until she turned around startled and wide eyed.
"I'm done!" he exclaimed loudly. "If I have to spent even just one more minute finding those idiots-" Lucas stopped listening to Charlie's rambling.

His focus was solely on Luna who was still shaking slightly. It was barely visible, but he couldn't miss it, miss the small hint of fear that fell into the air and lingered as she stepped back when Charlie raised his arm in anger about himself being unable to find four men.
Lucas stepped closer to her and put his arms around her from behind. Placing his lips on her head, he tightened his embrace. "I'm here, love," he whispered.

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