Chapter 45

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"No." He looked at her. Her waves were most prominent when her hair was still a little wet and right now she looked so pretty that he wanted to do nothing but take her to his bed and make her forget tonight and her worries. But he was so mad, it was careless and it had proven to be careless.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He didn't want to snap at her either, though they would have a talk about her actions. More like a lecture, followed by the one Jackson was going to give them.

When he opened his eyes again, he took her hands from the towel and turned them, so that he could see the insides. Then, he began taking the bandages off. It quickly became clear that they had been just wrapped around her wrists to stop the blood flow, which lucky wasn't too heavy.

Lucas stepped forward, forcing her to step back until her body touched the examination table. Taking the disinfection and pads, he began cleaning the wounds. On both of her wrists were three dots and lines leading up her arm. The lines weren't as deep as the dots and would heal faster.

"Do they burn?" he asked while applying the salve to the wounds. The salve would cool the burning, help the wounds to heal faster, and make sure that she was save from any infections or consequences of the werewolf claws.

Luna nodded as an answer. "Werewolves can use their claws and fangs to put something close to a poison in their opponents body. At the beginning, it will show as a burning, worse than what you're currently feeling. Not treated, it will lead to immense pain."

"Why does it not hurt that much?" she asked, he switched to the other arm and answered her.
"You're a second type fairy. They're stronger than normal fairies. You were basically lucky."
Before Luna could reply anything, someone knocked on the door and Lucas called him in, blocking Luna's body with his.

"How is Emma?" Luna wanted to know from Nicholas when he entered the room.
"The doctor is checking her right now, but she'll be fine. I already brought her some clothes," he answered her. Lucas gave no care to that conversation and dressed Luna's wounds, wrapping the bandages a few times around her thin wrists.

When he finished the first arm he looked over his shoulder to Nicholas.
"Put them on the working table," he instructed and focused on the other wrist.
"I assume you're in very good care," Nicholas said while putting the clothes down and then leaning against the table.

"He's mad at me," Luna stated. She was damn right. She would probably also be right if she said that he won't be mad in an hour or two. He would still be upset, but not mad. Maybe, depends on what she was going to tell him next.

"He has every right too. Jackson, Charlie and I aren't any happier about what you girls did."
"I know," she replied just as he finished. Facing Nicholas entirely, standing broadly in front of his girlfriend so that his colleague didn't get to see much of his girl in only a towel.

"We'll come to you once we're finished here," Lucas told him, indicating to leave now.
"We'll be in meeting room one," Nicholas informed them on his way out. Lucas started cleaning up, there were only bruises on Luna and putting a cooling salve on them was all he could do against them for now.

"Anything on your thighs or stomach?" he asked since he couldn't see that. Arms and stomach were usually the places that ended up having the most bruises, and those on her arms he could see.

"Stomach," she whispered. "Should I help you?" She made a step towards him.
"No, go put on the clothes." In a couple minutes he had cleaned up and she was dressed in underwear, a bra and lose joggers. He had told her to keep the hoodie off once he had seen her upper body. There were several bruises forming, some would be worse than others.

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