Chapter 1

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When she was younger, she loved to dance in the rain.
She was convinced that nothing felt better than rain in mid summer. 
Feeling the warmth of the sun and the cool of the rain falling down on her body while she danced in the open.

Almost nothing could have described that feeling. The freedom and carelessness she would feel. The way you could forget the world around you and feel nothing than the joy.

There were distant, but beautiful memories. Memories of Reyna and her dancing and laughing under the rain in their yard and then getting sick, but having no regrets at all. Dancing in the rain at any season.

Memories of laughing in the rain in a summer dress. The feel of the rain on her warm skin. The sun shining through the clouds.
She remembered her father picking her up and throwing her into the air and catching her. 

She felt like she could touch the sky.
She felt like she could fly and she felt like nothing could stop her. 
There were no limits to her imagination.

What she remembered most was the warmth that surrounded her.
The wave of protection that had surrounded her when she was touching the sky and dancing in the rain. She knew nothing would happen to her. She was safe.

That's how Luna felt right now.
Safe and protected. Warm.
Her heart beat in the rhythm of the heart that was pulsating under her hand that lay on a firm chest.

She felt strong arms surrounding her body. Keeping it safe from the world around them.
They were warm, making her feel safe and protected.
Her eyes fluttered open, her head still a little dizzy, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Luna focused her eyes to see and saw someone's shoulder.
Not someone.
It was Lucas. Lucas who had his arms wrapped around her, and on whom's shoulder she was resting her head.

She slowly rose, the memories of what had happened came back to her mind.
Abrupt she turned her head and stared at the boy. He was now standing in front of the stone bed and smiled at them.

Turning back to Lucas, she laid her hands on his chest and shook him slightly. He stirred and opened his eyes. "What happened?" Lucas sat up. Luna did not have the answer to that, so she shrugged and moved her gaze to their friends.

They were all waking up. It was as if they had only fallen asleep.
Their focus shifted to the boy. Lucas' mother, Mrs. Carter, stood behind him.
"I don't understand," Reyna found her voice first. "I thought we died."

"You did. You sacrificed your lives for me," the boy spoke.
"I'm not sure we have the same understanding of sacrifice," Emma said.
Luna felt a hand stroke over her shoulder and pull her to Lucas. She meet his eyes and responded the smile he was giving her.

"I don't think I care. We're alive," Lucas said and rested his forehead on hers. "And I get to spend more time with you," he whispered. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his for a short kiss.

"You did die, but I brought you back," the boy explained.
"Why don't you take another look on the legend," Mrs. Carter told them. She grabbed the legend from the ground and got to her feet. The others followed her action and bend over the piece of paper she held in her hands.

"Still confusing," Wyatt declared.
"A sacrifice will be made, but not for long. Given back it will be," Lucas murmured behind her. "I assumed this meant that the sacrifice would serve for something greater. That the child," he looked up, "you, would save the world. That the life we give will be given to all the people that survive."

"Not many would understand it that way, you six did. You were selfless," the boy said.
"So, all this time, it meant that we would get out lives back?" Reyna assured.
The boy nodded. "I was born to bring life, not to take it."
"I told you, you will have all the time you need," Mrs. Carter told Lucas.

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