Chapter 34

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"So, what exactly are you two doing?" Emma asked, her face mirroring the confusion.
"Trying out a drawing technique," Natalie answered. She was focused on her drawing of the swings and the big old tree with the treehouse that stood in Reyna's backyard for ages.

Luna looked from Natalie's drawing over to the swings. They were childhood. This whole backyard was childhood for her and Reyna. They had spend hours here. Sitting on the swings talking, or climbing up the tree to the treehouse. It had been here forever and they had renovated it, used it for sleepovers and hide outs.

They had sat at this very table she was sitting with the girls now as children and had a picnic. Or would draw like Natalie and Reyna were doing right now. This place was childhood and they were beautiful memories. Memories with her best friend she would trade for nothing in this world.

"Which is ridiculously stupid. I just won't get it right," Reyna went on. She decided to draw Natalie to try it out before she went to her project. They were doing it for the art class they were taking together.
Luna turned her attention back to the file. "You'll get it. You always get it in the end," she told Reyna. Emma turned her attention to Luna now.

"What are all those files about?"
"Crimes, biographies, information, and more crimes," Luna answered, looking over to her laptop to compare something. Then, she noted it down in hopes it was something good.
"Are you and Lucas looking for Tresha and Sam?" Reyna asked.
"We are doing that too, yes."
"But that's not what all these files are about?" Natalie questioned and put her pencil down. That got Reyna's attention too and made her turn to face Luna, she was sitting opposite of her.

Luna sighed. She hadn't told them about her vision yet. No one besides Jackson knew.
"Promise me, you won't tell Lucas. Or Wyatt. He will definitely tell Lucas."
"We promise."

Luna took a deep breath before telling them everything about her vision and what she was  doing. And that currently she was doing a terrible job at it and wanted to tell Lucas about it because he might be better at this then her, but couldn't because he wasn't supposed to know. Plus, since last night she was a little, just a tinsy tiny bit, scared that he would get mad when he found out.

By the time she was done, the girls looked at her with big eyes.
"I should tell him," Luna said.
"No!" they objected immediately.
"We mean, don't if you have a feeling you shouldn't," Emma added.
"I don't know. I'm torn because I feel like I should, but at the same time I feel like I shouldn't. Like I'm going to change the story if I did."

Their looks already told her.
"You have to make that decision, Lu."
"I don't want to," she whined and turned her gaze back to the laptop. Not for now. She wouldn't tell him for now.

"Tell us if you need help," Emma said.
"Will do." Luna turned around to Emma while the other two picked up their pencils and started drawing again. "How is it going with your parents? Have they called you yet?"
"They actually did." Emma pulled up a leg and closed  her arms around it. "I'm making demands, finally telling them what I want. They don't like it."

"Don't give in. This is your life," Luna told her. At the same time, she could never know how it felt to be suppressed and not get her parents' support. Her parents had always been supportive of her decisions. Let her do what she wanted and just been there for what she wanted.
"I won't, but it looks like I will stay with Wyatt a little longer."

Emma pulled up the other leg and looked to the files. "I was wondering about something," she began. "Kane and Caleb have probably not been woken up for the first time. The legend doesn't change, so it would be easy to just wake them up again. And this time kill Caleb."

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