Chapter 57

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One moment, she was the in the meeting room, presenting with Emma.
The next moment, she was in the middle of a battle.

Luna was in a big room, people were around her, so many people, fighting each other. There were gigantic double doors to her left, a circular staircase on her right. It stood with the wall, next to it was a wide long hall. The walls were stone, the floor carpeted, there were objects, but she had no time to make them out.

She saw Emma, saw herself. Then, magic exploded and she got blinded. When her sight cleared she saw Caleb and Kane laying on the floor. Their bodies shimmered and before she could see what happened, her sight turned black and she was pulled out of the vision.

For a second she saw the white walls, the long brown table, and black chairs before everything started to blur again. Her head spun and all the energy in her body left her. Her legs gave in and she felt herself falling towards the ground.

"Luna!" her name was called, but she couldn't make out the voices yet. They clashed together, it wasn't just one person calling her. All she could focus on, was how she was falling.

She wasn't prepared. She wasn't prepared for the set of strong arms that wrapped around her body and pulled her against a hard chest. There was no need for eyes to know who was holding her so protectively. He had held her this way so often, when she was upset and when she was happy. He would always hold her, make her feel safe.

It took a few minutes until she felt her head clearing and energy returning to her body. Tilting her head, she caught sight of piercing green eyes that were focused on her face with concern in them. His lips were parted, lips she had tasted only a few moments ago. They were moving, forming words, she was sure, but she wasn't ready to comprehend them.

Her mind was still tired, her body was tired. Luna's head rested against his shoulder blade. One of his arms left her body, only to move under her knees and pick her up, moving her body even closer to him.

"Luna?" she finally heard Lucas speak.
"I'm okay. Just a little weak," she whispered. His grip around her tightened. She was finally able to take in her surroundings. The others had come to her side, concern in their expressions as well. Concern and questions. They had questions and so did she, though they might be different.

"Do you think you can sit?" She nodded and Lucas carefully sat her down on the corner of the table, standing by her side and letting her lean on him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brushed back the strands of her brown hair that fell into her face.

She attempted to straighten her position and start telling them about the vision, but she failed. Her body wasn't ready to be strained like that, even if she felt stronger than a few moments ago.

Lucas' lips touched the top of her head. "Take your time, it's alright," he told her.
Even if she was ready to push her body to its current limits, Lucas wouldn't let her. And she had a feeling that the others wouldn't let her do it either.
"Lucas is right. You can tell us what happened once you feel stronger. And after you told us if you need a doctor," Nicholas agreed.

"No doctor, just a few minutes." They all nodded and went to sit back down, Lucas helped her turn around, so she could face them, pulled a chair closer for her to put her feet on and took in the same position next to her. She needed him to lean on, otherwise she couldn't have remained sitting.

A few minutes passed before she felt strong enough to speak.

"It was a vision," she recalled the vision, sitting up straighter, it worked this time. She lowered her eyes to her hands in her lap to concentrate. "I saw a big room, and people fighting. Emma and I was there, and then there was an explosion and Caleb and Kane were laying on the ground. That's all I actually saw." She looked up at them, all of them in thought.

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