Chapter 2

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Ok so this is basically a filler and next chapter will be the beginning of the first episode of moonknight, but this chapter is pretty important in their relationship, I recommend reading it but it's not needed (::

The next day Steven looks even worse, his eyes were darker, and he had this feeling. A bad one. He didn't know what for but he just ignored it.

He went on with his normal morning routine which includes talking to Gus, the " famous one finned fish." As Lana called him.

He couldn't help but smile ever so slightly as he thought of her.

Lana thought that he would never like her like she likes him, and that he thought that they were only friends. Steven didn't though, he thought that she was out of his league.

He could remember everything about her, her hair, face, ever single tiny detail, he could name it. He knew everything about her, and loved well.. everything about her.

She could also remember everything about him, His dark curls, his face everything. They were just too stupid to realize they felt the same way.

He was perfect in her eyes, something she wasn't to herself. But to him.. she was perfect and he wasn't. Steven loved her, he would admit that. But he's never say it to you.

He shook the thoughts, thoughts of her out of his head before he got too carried away.

Steven was.. well insecure. He didn't like him. All of him, but she  loved him. All of him. He was afraid.

Afraid of her leaving him, for another. He didn't understand why he felt like this, why he felt madly in love like a teenager all over again.

He didn't understand it, neither did she. They were both too oblivious and stupid to realize it.

He didn't know why he felt it, neither did she. But he knew he loved her, just as she loved him.

But that all changed soon.

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