Chapter 44

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Lana felt empty. Her only real father figure was gone, for how long? No one knew.

Maybe forever, but she wouldn't let that happen, neither would Marc.

It's not that Marc cared about the Old god, it's that he cared about Lana, and He knew her mental health would be worse with him gone.

Khonshu was nothing but a rock now.

Layla and Lana helped Steven up. Lana was crying, something she didn't do very often.

Usually Lana put on this asshole Attitude, but behind it she was just a confused, lost, abused girl who had no clue what to do other than have her guard up.

"Steven." Layla said as he fell down.

"Hey. Steven? Marc?" Lana said trying to get one of them to get out.


Arthur on the other hand was walking in the halls of the pyramid of Giza.

"You were right about khonshu. In the end, there was no choice. " the man said to Arthur as they stepped in the light.

"Now, he's tethered to this place. Like many before him, including Nut." The man said. The man knew about Lana, but that wasn't his business.

"Can he hear us?" Arthur asked the man. A good question.

"We think so, yes."

The man left and Arthur was left alone with the stone Khonshu.

He walked towards him "Can I tell you a secret? I enjoyed dealing out pain on your behalf.  That is the greatest sin I carry. I am grateful. Had you not broken me so completely, I might never had known the value of healing. And I wouldn't know if Lana either.. The girl was a good anger outlet I suppose, since she has no use to me now."Arthur picked up the stone.

With these words, khonshu wanted to kill him in the most violent way ever. He couldn't because he was trapped. (Literally)

In his head Khonshu was literally thinking of every way to kill this man  for when he got out. He was more mad than ever before.

"I'm going to do what you could not. And when it's finished, I want you to remember one thing. Your torment forged me. I owe my victory to you."

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now