Chapter 79

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Omg I love this chapter

Layla quickly got up, and pinned Arthur to the wall. Steven got up and so did Lana.

Lana punched him, and Steven helped her as well, brushing off his shoulders smoothly as he did so. Lana thought "Classic steven."

Then Arthur threw Steven. Well, I guess the moment of victory was good while it lasted.

Lana ran towards Steven quickly, using Nuts superhuman speed to help as well.

Arthur was about to be hit by something, but dodged it and it hit the wall.

Steven kicked Arthur, surprising him and knocking him on the wall, and then he fell down on the cold hard concrete.

He stood back up, the two faced each other.

Arthur was about to go for him. But Layla stopped him by grabbing his cane before he could, and Lana kicked him, while Marc punched him. The three of them taking their weapons and attempting to attack him but he dodged them.

Layla struggled against him, and pushed him Lana and Marc then stepped in.

The cane started to flicker, and people were going inside a van to leave.

The cane shot out purple light and hit the van, Lana and Layla quickly flew over.

Layla grabbed a kid and saved them before they got him, Lana and Nut stopped the van before it could reach Layla or the kid.

Layla smiled up at Lana thankfully, as the girl stared in awe.

The girl started speaking Arabic.

"Are you two Egyptian superhero's?"

"We are." Lana said in Arabic, a language she picked up quickly, as the two of them ran off.

Layla grabbed the side of the van and urged all of the people to get out.

Lana grabbed the knives from earlier and stabbed some guy trying to shoot at her, while Layla knocked down the other.

Arthur and Marc were still fighting, Arthur used his cane to throw Marc onto the floor and shot the purple light at him.

Marc used his hands to hopefully block his shots.

"Had Ammit been allowed to rule, young Randall's life would've been saved, your family would've been happy. She need only remove one weed from the garden." Arthur said as he walked closer to Marc.


"This is all your fault!" His mothers voice rang through his head.

He used his anger and sadness of the past against Arthur, grabbing the crescent shaped blades and using them against him, and turned the purple light to him instead.

While this was happening, Layla and Lana rushed over, but Marc's crescent was thrown out his hand and pinned Laylas wings to the van.

Lana tried to help Layla but couldn't seem to as she groaned.

Arthur yelled and pushed again, it knocked Marc back onto the floor and Lana guarded Layla with her own body as the purple seemed to go close to her as well.

Lana was however, guarded by Nut. So luckily nothing hit the either of them.

"Thank you." Lana whispered quietly to the goddess.

Marc's heartbeat was growing rapidly, as he groaned and his hearing was muffled as Arthur stepped towards him.

He saw Ammit and Khonshu fighting, Khonshu being knocked to the ground by her with his own staff, and Arthur nearing him closer and closer.

Arthur looked at Lana who looked horrified, the woman had given up at this point and just watched in horror.

Arthur finally came up to him, and was about to stab him, but was stopped.

Lana had ran over there quickly enough to move Marc, but she had been hit by it instead.

She screamed out in horror and Marc watched in pure terror.

"Lana!" He yelled, but she couldn't hear and all sound was drowned out.

Marc could feel his vision going blurry, was Steven seriously gonna take over at the worst time?

But what he wasn't expecting was to be fronting again to see a bloodied Arthur with his own weapon to his head and Lana covering her mouth and shaking in fear out of him, not Arthur this time.

There was a note on his chest, however.

Lana shakily grabbed it quickly, as Marc stood up and dropped the cane on the ground.

"That wasn't you was it Steven?"

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