Chapter 66

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Sorry for slow updates, life's been shitty and yeah but I'll try my best to be as fast as possible

A young marc breathed heavily, backing up with his back being supported by the dresser as he pulled his legs to his chest.

Marc and Steven watched, Steven more confused than Marc.

"I don't... this is my room. I remember some things but I don't remember this." Steven said, before hearing a loud knock on the door causing them both to look at the door.

"It's not mom. It's not my mom. It's not my mom. It's not my mom." The knocking continued.

"Marc, open this door. Open this door right now." She said, knocking even louder and raising her voice to get her point across.

"It's not my mom."

"Open this door." She banged on the door again.

"It's not my mom. It's not my mom." He repeated.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head, head turning back slightly before taking his knees off his chest and looking around.

"Bloody hell. Look at the state of this place. Better sort it out before Mum sees it." M̶a̶r̶c̶, wait no Steven, said, picking up the pencils he had knocked down.

"Marc open this door right now!" She banged on the door repeatedly as he continued to clean up the mess on his floor.

Steven looked around the bedroom a bit more, finally noticing how he didn't remember all of this. He spotted a poster.

"When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear." He read the poster, shocked and he felt like he was gonna cry.

"You made me up."

The banging on the door got even louder, as his mom shouted for Marc to open the door, but he didn't.

She knocked the door open, Marc and Steven turned towards it as she walked towards the younger Steven as he continued to pick up the pencils off his floor.

•You're gonna learn to listen." She walked towards him with the belt she had in her hand.

"Why do you have to make me do this?"

"I wanna see what she did. I wanna see what she did." Steven said.

"You disgusting human."  She hit him with the belt, while he didn't make a noise.

"You do not need to see that. You are not meant to see that. That's the whole point of you."

Steven punched Marc, to his surprise.

Marc Groaned as Steven held his hand in pain.

"The point of me? The point of me? What? To be your stress ball?  All this time I thought I was the original. But I'm just something that you made up."

"You got to live a happy, simple, normal life, you understand?" He said, walking towards him as Steven backed up.

"But it was all a lie, wasn't it?"

"So what? What does it matter? What you wanna remember the truth? That you had a mother that beats you? That hated you? That- that made your life a living hell?"

"You're lying. You're just trying to upset me."

"I'm not lying, ask Lana for gods sake! You've gotten to live a life thinking that she loved you that she was kind, that she was still alive!"

Steven stopped dead  in his tracks.

"What? What are you talking about? She's alive. I speak to her everyday what are you talking about?"

"Dad called me after all these years, about her shiva, and I couldn't do it." Marc explained, his voice breaking slightly.

"No, this is all wrong. This is... No this is all wrong."

"Steven I'm sorry."

"Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, thank you. No Let me out. Let me out!" He repeated, his voice raising as Marc tried to calm him down.

"Let me out. Let me out." He wasn't in the hallways anymore, he looked up and he splashed his water on Arthur on accident.

He stood up quickly, apologizing to him.

"God I'm so sorry. Sorry." He put the water on the table.

"God. I'm so sorry. Sorry. You gave me a real start there. Gave you a bit of a wash didn't ?" Steven said, before realizing who it was.


"Hold on a minute. What's this..." Steven said, backing up from Arthur.

"It's good to see you again."

"What is this? Is this some kind of test? " Steven looked around.

"I recognize this place."

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