Chapter 35

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"That was a bit over the top don't you think?" Marc said to Khonshu as he ran down the stairs.

"Hurry. They're gathering their avatars now. "

"Aren't they scattered all over the world?"

"Yes." Khonshu nods his head before continuing "but for a meeting of the Ennead, a portal presents itself anywhere."

"Okay. So, where's mine? " marc said looking around.

Rumbling could be heard behind them and they both looked back "The last time I spoke to the gods, they banished me. Our case against Harrow must be indisputable. "

"Aren't you coming with?" Marc asked Khonshu.

"Oh, I'll be there. " Khonshu said, walking away. Marc looked at him confused.

Marc walked in.

"I can't believe it. Oh, my days. We're inside. We're inside the Great Pyramid of Giza." Steven said, in the reflection.

There was more  steps that he went down.

It was dark, he could only see with what little fire lighting was in there. There was heads of the gods that made the Ennead.

"Khonshus theatrics are unparalleled. You must be his avatar." A woman said, walking out.

"Hi. And who are you?" Marc asks

"I'm Yatzil, avatar of Hathor. " the woman said. She seems nice. Marc thought in his head.

"Okay." Marc said, trying to be nice.

"Goddess of music and love? " Aka, everything Khonshu wasn't a fan of.


"Surely Khonshu mentioned her?"

Marc looked the other way for a second "The gods aren't really his favorite topic."

"Not even when they are old friends?" She chuckled "she says it was not so long ago Khonshu enjoyed Hathor's Melodies. Along with Nut, the two hung out all the time. Going on adventures or whatever."

"Well, as far as I know, the only melody khonshu enjoys is the sound of pain. "

"Yatzil." A male voice, this time called the woman and Yatzil and Marc looked at him.

Marc followed Yatzils footsteps. He looked around at all the different statues and things.

"Has khonshu told you how this works?" The woman asked.

"Not really. Is there something I should know?"

"I try not to fight it. It's a strange sensation. But you'll get used to it. " Yatzil said walking up the stairs. Marc looked confused, he had absolutely no clue what was happening.

"In attendance, Horus, Isis, Tefnut, Osiris, and Hathor to hear the account of khonshu." Marc's eyes lit up for a second.

"You've been banished once for nearly exposing us, Khonshu. And you know we despise your garishnesses. Your showy masks, and weapons. But manipulate the sky again and we will imprison you in stone."

Hm.. Welp khonshu was right, the worst they could do is imprison him in stone.

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