Chapter 49

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TW: mentions of blood, vomit

As Steven drew in the sand Lana and Layla watched him in awe.

"This whole structure... is a symbol" Steven began as he drew the eye of Horus.

"That's the eye of Horus." Lana and Layla spoke at the same time as they watched Steven draw on the sand.

"Yeah. Look at that." He said, shining his flashlight up at the ceiling.

"What?" They both said in shock.

"Right?  Look, the royal symbol, protection in the afterlife." He said, also amazed at this whole ordeal . I mean he was a big nerd when it came to this stuff.

"I mean, like, the resources needed to build this thing..." Layla said.

"Her final avatar was a pharaoh." Layla spoke.

"Whoa! A bloody pharaoh." He said in amazement. He seemed pretty happy for the circumstances.

"So what? You think it's a map?"

"Yeah, well.. right. So the eye of Horus is also the eye of the mind, yeah? Representing the six senses, six points." He said pointing to one.

"The eyebrow denotes thoughts, pupil sight, the point, hearing, that smell, touch and the long line is the tongue." Lana simply explained as Steven pointed to it all as she spoke.

It was almost as if they practiced it.

"Exactly." Steven said, looking amazed at Lana.

"The avatar would be Ammits voice. " Layla said and Steven looked at her.

"That's right." He nodded as they went further in.

Lana was still in the front, if they did encounter her father she would be the least likely to get hurt.

Lana stopped dead in her tracks, her body tensing and freezing as if something possessed her. Layla and Steven looked at her in confusion before looking  at what she was staring at.

They walked past Lana, who just stood there still.

"Lana...."  Steven said, snapping in front of her, it seemed as if she was in another world.

She didn't move and instead she just took a shaky breath before putting her hand over her mouth.

They didn't know what she was staring at, but they soon would.

"Oh. Heka priests. Judging by their masks and ceremonial stance, they would've been entombed in here to protect the pharaoh." Layla said as Lana just gagged.

Steven looked at her in worry, and concerned he was.

"The heck's a heka?" Steven asked her

"Sorcerers of their time. They've been down here for centuries. These must be some the unlucky souls who crossed their path."

Then Lana couldn't help but throw up. Steven finally noticed and gagged just as Lana had a few moments ago.

"Oh. My god. Oh, god. Is that fresh blood?" Isn't that little chunks of meaty bits?"

Lana threw up more, Steven ran over to her and pulled her hair back.

She wiped her face off and exhaled shakily.

"Oh god." She whimpered, she literally felt like she was gonna pass out, she fell to the floor and crawled to a corner.

"Oh." Layla said in disgust as she noticed the jars with blood in them.

Lana knew her father did this, oh god. Sure it may have been bad, but for him to do this just made her sick to her stomach.

No, it literally made her sick because she felt so sick that she wanted to die in that moment.

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