Arthurs Memories 3

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I got to skip school cause I'm sick and my period cramps are really bad so I got to stay home so that means more time for writing.. so half yay? I'm just sitting in my bed watching fear street for the 100th time tbh

"Lana?" Arthur knocked on her bedroom door, after the whole "I can see gods" incident she just ran into her room and cried.

"I'm coming in alright?" Arthur looked back at Khonshu and the other goddess he had talked to a few minutes earlier, he had learned her name was Nut and Lana was her avatar.

She didn't say anything when he entered her bedroom, she stayed silent on fear she'd get slapped again. But to her surprise she didn't.

"Lana...This is Khonshu." He sat on the edge of her bed and Motioned to Khonshu.

She just stayed silent, and didn't move an inch which seemed to bother the god.

"And this is Nut.. You're her.. avatar. Shes a goddess, the goddess of the sky, She chose you to be her host sort of." He said.

She widened her eyes and started tearing up again, What the hell is going on? She was only a teenager.

"I'm Khonshus avatar. I'm sorry, this must be a lot of information for a child such as yourself, we will give you time by yourself." He said, and the three of them exited the room.

She was left by herself to cry herself to sleep, with no one to be with her, or help her.

No one at all, she was alone, she always would be.

Although, there was a tiny voice in her head that said perhaps this isn't that bad of a thing, that maybe something good could come out of this.

She should've listened to that voice instead of dreading on it, because much more good could have came out of that.

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