Marcs memories 1

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Marc was confused, one minute he's almost dead in the desert the next he's in someone else's body. He can see what he sees, and feel what he feels.

Then he has an Egyptian god telling him he's the reason he's alive, and he will serve him. Which he agreed to.

There was a girl, who Marc learned was Lana. Lana knew about Marc before Steven because she accidentally saw them change alters. Marc told her to not tell Steven and she agreed.

Marc grew to like Lana more and More, eventually they were really good friends. Marc didn't understand however why she was so close to Steven.

Stevens.. awkward and not the best at socially interacting with people. Lana on the other hand is brave, and not scared of anything really.

He didn't understand it, but when the time came he wanted to tell Steven to protect her with his life. And he did of course.

Steven did feel a little bad about the whole mirror incident, Steven was scared. Just like he was when he was first in there.

And Lana's heart was broken in pieces, like the shattered vase in her dads room. She was mad as well.

At Marc. Which Marc felt horrible for.

Which is exactly why he would never push her away like he did again. She's already traumatized enough, she doesn't need a Mercenary To come and ruin that especially when they just confessed their love for each other.

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