Chapter 67

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"I recognize this place. What's this?" Steven asked, looking around the place.

"Steven I'm your doctor. Remember?"

Steven scoffed and pointed at him, backing up slightly. "You're my doctor?"

"I'm here to help you."

"Dr. Harrow, is it?"

"That's right."

"Oh yeah, look at that. Well... you've really gone up in the world, haven't you? " Steven said, looking at his degree hanging up on the wall.

"I was beginning to worry we might never speak again."

Steven shook his head. "It's so strange. The little haircut. Little silly 'Tache there. It's very... Ned Flanders."

(I was fucking dying when he said that.)


"What- what's Taweret up to now?" Steven asked.

"It's my fault. I asked marc to open up to you. Did he get a chance to speak with you?" Arthur asked him, looking at him deeply.

"Yeah well.. he... he lied to me. That's what he did."

"Mmm-hmm. And what do you feel that he lied to you about?"

"Oh. Nosy."

Arthur tilted his head, he just wanted an answer from Steven.

"No it's just... Steven when you first came in here, I was worried you were never gonna be able to acknowledge Marc. "

"What do you mean.. we're not... I brought us here?" Steven said, Very confused now.

"After your mother passed.."

"Oi. Don't say that. That's not true. That's not true." (Me after my friends say that I can't marry Oscar issac because he's a 43 year old man with a wife and children)

"Oh, I'm so... I must..."

"You having a laugh as well? Because I don't wanna heart it."

"Steven I must be mistaken." Arthur held out his hands to signal for him to stop but he continued on.

"My mother is alive. You say that again, I will freak out! I promise."

"I must be mistaken, okay? Would you- would you like to speak with her? Why don't we call her." Arthur said.

"You don't have her number."

"Yeah, we have it on file." Arthur said, turning around and dialing some numbers into it before picking it up.

"Hold on, let me just get Dylan."

"No. Don't do that."

"It'll take two seconds."

"Don't bother her."

"Hey, Dylan. Yeah. Could you call Mrs. Grant, please?"

Steven tried to stop him.

"She screens her calls. She won't answer. She's afraid of tele salespeople. "

"She'll wanna talk to you. I'm sure of it. She's getting the number."

"Don't do that."

"Okay, okay. Thank you." He spoke into the phone.

"Please don't do that."

"It's ringing. "

"Don't bother her, please."

"Uh hello, Mrs. Grant. Yes, this is Dr. Harrow" Arthur stood up. "Mmm-hmm. Uh- Stevens here. He'd like to speak with you."

He took the phone out of his ear and handed it to Steven, "Steven would you like to speak to your mom?"

Steven walked towards it slowly, taking it from his hands, with tears begging to be let out of his eyes.

"My mum... " he spoke in a low tone. " My mum is dead."

He started to cry, staring at the phone. "My mum is dead."

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