Chapter 43

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I cried making this. I'm so sorry

After Khonshu and Lana's little conversation Khonshu looked back at marc.

"He won't return the body. " marc said.

"Marc, we can't wait. It's okay, just let go. "

Marc grabbed the light and Exclaimed in anger. "We don't have time."

Marc sighed, grabbing all the star pieces and Put them on the sand.

"All right. Go ahead. You're in." Marc said to the reflection and it all happened pretty quickly. Marc wasn't There, and it was rather Steven.

"Cheers, thanks a lot. All right. Yeah." Steven said, getting to work.

Lana came up behind him "Steven?" She questioned, smiling.


"We can talk later. Right now just do.. whatever."

"Yeah. Alright." He continued to put them together.

He grabbed tape and taped some of it. "Don't need that. Don't need that. I don't need that." He said, while working at the same time.

Layla came over.

"Egyptians invented modern navigation. There's not a lot of landmarks in the desert. So they came up with a way to get about using the sun and the stars. It's bloody genius isn't it?"

"Lana explained that all already. But yeah."

Steven looked at Lana with Amazement. "I remember everything you tell me Steven. I do actually listen, you know?"

"Yeah.." he said before continuing to put the stars together.

"Whoa. " Layla said as he handed it to her.

"So, what do we do with it?" Layla asked any one of them.

"Not much we can do can we? Senfu marked the tomb like 2000 years ago. And stars move. But it could mean the difference between us searching miles away. Aka too much walking for me." Lana said.

"So unless we know exactly what the sky looked like on that date we're buggered. " Steven finished for her.

"I remember that night. I remember every night." Khonshu said on top of a sand hill.

Lana looked at Steven and Layla and moved as they followed her.


"I can turn back the night sky."

"Khonshu.. but then..." lana spoke, her voice breaking slightly.

"I know the cost, Lana." Khonshu said, but that didn't make her feel any better.

"Steven, Lana. When the gods imprison me tell Marc to free me."

"Khonshu... Come on, don't leave me. Please don't. You're the only family I have left that I consider family."

"I'm sorry, Lana. It is the only way. Marc will free me."

She sighed and stepped away, not wanting to get in the way of either Steven or Khonshu.

Steven went into the suit again. He mirrored Khonshus movements.

The sky started to change rapidly, it was beautiful. But Lana never wanted to see it, she didn't want Khonshu imprisoned.

She knows it sounds ridiculous, but she considers the god as a father. Khonshu would protect her from Arthur at times when she was younger.

Layla took out the tablet and waited for an exact match.

Arthur looked out.

"This is the night." Khonshu said, and it stopped moving.

"This is surprisingly painful."  Steven said.

"It's working." Layla said holding up the tablet to the sky.

"It's working. Yes. Good." Steven groaned, not sure how much longer he could hold.

"You brought this upon yourself, Khonshu." Arthur said in his car.

The gods were already working on imprisoning him. They chanted.

Khonshu fell to his knees. And he finally gave up.

"I love you, dad." Lana said, before Khonshu spoke again with all his strength left in him.

"I love you too, Lana."

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