Chapter 53

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"You handled that beautifully." Arthur spoke to Layla.

She got up on her feet "Why do all men like you feel it necessary to be just so condescending? " Layla said. Guns were fired in the distance.

She was beginning to walk away and not have to talk to Arthur until he spoke another language, Layla understood.

"My little scarab. Isn't that what your father used to call you? Abdullah El-Faouly. One of Egypts most unique archaeologists. " Layla was about to cry.

She stood in the hall and listened to him.

"He would be so proud of you. If he knew that you were among the first to confirm for the world what he always believed. Egyptian gods walk among us."

Layla stepped out of the hallway to face Arthur.

"The scales achieve their judgement by revealing to me moments of sin and pain. Your ex- husband, my daughter. They are both in agony. More pain than anyone could bear." He sat down on the leg with one foot dangling off.

"But they still haven't told you the truth."

"Well, you're obviously dying to. So why don't you just go ahead? The floor is yours."

"I read his scales, I read both of their scales, Lana's when she was about 10. The scales do not lie. It's a shame Lana's such a good person yet still stuck with you two."


"Everything inside me is screaming not to open this thing. " Steven said as he was about to talk the cover off the tomb.

"You want Harrow to get to Ammit first?" Marc said in his head.

"I'll do it." She said, She pushed the cover off, although it was pretty heavy so Steven did help.

"Oh man." He observed the inside of the tomb as Lana did the same.

They were staring at the literal body of a very well respected Pharaoh.

"Where's the ushabti?" Marc asked.

"Well.. if your gonna hide it for all eternity, you'd probably put it in a place where the average looter wouldn't think to look."

"Alexander was the voice of Ammit. " Lana said, sighing deeply.

"I'm not reaching down there." Steven said in disgust.

Lana groaned as she just pushed Steven away slightly so she had some room.

"Oh. Sorry about that." She said, ripping the wrap off his face.

She opened his mouth up. "Oh. Sorry, sorry Mr. Great." She said, slightly closing her eyes because she was literally breaking apart something ancient.

She reached down into his mouth "Gross." She said. It was really gross.


"Your father was murdered by mercenaries. And no one knows who they were, do they?"
(he was hot in this scene... moving on.)

"You're saying that Marc was one of them?"  She said with tears in her eyes.

"You said it. What do you think? Marc remembers everything that happened that day. Everyone who died. But one man stands out."

Layla was leaning against a wall, sniffling.

"Man with a fuchsia scarf. Scarab details. Handmade. Made by his daughter perhaps. " He said  with no hesitation as he explained Laylas father in exact detail.

She turned her head  towards him "Are you done?" Her voice breaking when she said it, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"I do hope you find closure. " Layla walked away with these words, leaving Harrow alone.

She started walking to where Steven and Lana was, sure Lana had no part in the murder but she still knew.

Lana knew this was coming eventually, just maybe not when they were in the middle of finding an Egyptian gods statue.

Because that wasn't really good timing, way to go Arthur.

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