Chapter 32

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Marc ran through the village as soon as he heard Arthur found Ammit. A gang of people were on a roof, they had just stabbed someone.

"You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig site. Guess I'm gonna have to talk to you instead." Marc said walking up to the gang.

"You're too late. You're never gonna find the Harrows."

"Harrows? You mean Lana's with them?"

The guy threw the knife in the air. "Oh wow." He said.

The guy dragged the knife on the floor, it looked like a dance almost.

"Oh. What, are we dancin? We fightin? What are we gonna do? " Marc said as one guy leapt towards him, and yelled.

Marc pushed him on the ground. Another attacked him from behind.

He hit him down as well, as the other tried to attack him. While he was distracted the other guy behind him got up and grabbed the knife.

"In your face, foreigner." The man threw the knife as he spoke in Arabic.

It missed Marc and the other one he was fighting. He knocked him down and the other one started attacking him again.

He licked the knife, trying to be intimidating I think. Marc beat him up, punching him repeatedly. The other one on the floor got up and punched Marc.

God these people don't quit do they?

Marc grabbed his ankles but the man turned around and hi Marc back on the floor he quickly got back up.

He knocked the other one down for like the 10th time.

He held a knife at the other ones neck, ready to kill him. Ready to let that beast that's been itching to get out, out.

"Marc. Don't do it Marc. Stop it. Stop." Steven said in the reflection of the knife.

Marc felt different. And soon Steven was back in control like he was before.

"Where's Steven? " Marc asked himself as he was in a car.

"Stop, please! " Marc said to the man in Arabic driving him for some reason

"You're speaking Arabic, eh? Why are you acting like a foreigner? " the man said in Arabic.

"Where are you taking me?" Marc asked, this time in English

"You are said airport." The man said, slightly confused.

"Airport." Marc repeated.

"Wait, wait, wait. Stop! Stop! Stop, stop! Stop, stop, stop!" Marc said as he saw the same gang from earlier.

The man stopped the car and Marc exited.

"Let me talk to you." Marc said to the two people.

"Just let us go, man."

"My money! My money!" The man driving the car said as Marc kept saying "that wasn't me!" To the gang.

Marc started chasing them "My money! Where is my money? " the driver asked Marc who just kept chasing the two people. It was chaotic.

Horns were honking at them as they ran through everywhere. Marc was desperate to know where Arthur and Lana were.

He wanted to save her, he didn't want her going being with the man who hurt her so much, caused her so much pain physically and mentally.

Marc jumped on top of a truck still chasing the two, they just kept running and running away from Marc. They probably thought he was crazy.

The two people split up so he chased only one of them now, he was knocking things and people over all while running from Marc.

Then the two were back and One of them knocked some rugs over in attempt to stop Marc, which obviously didn't work.

They got into another fight, this time in the middle of everyone. Onlookers watched in horror as the two men fought and Marc punched the man repeatedly.

"Where's Harrow and the Girl?" When the man didn't answer he pushed him back into the wall he was pinned to.

"Where are they? Tell me." Marc said angrily as the man was scared.

A voice in his head stopped him for the second time today.

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