Stevens memories 1

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TW: Past SH ⚠️

Steven Grant was a complicated man. He couldn't seem to get his feelings straight, there was a lot going on in his head.

Ever since Lana had hurt herself, he had taken it on himself to watch over her and help her get through it. She appreciated him more than anything.

He appreciated the girls company, it's better than Gus. Although he loved Gus, he loved Lana more. And a fish can't really talk back to you can it?

So when Lana went back to her father for a while again, he was heartbroken almost. Why would she go back to the man who caused her so much pain?

He didn't know she did it unwillingly until she came back. They had stayed in contact however, she tried to write and call him as much as she could without getting caught by Arthur.

He loved her. No matter how many time he said he doesn't, he does. He cares for her so much. And if she didn't love him back, he wouldn't care. He would still care for her.

But she did love him back. She always had. Which is why it caught him off guard when she told him she loved him as well while they were fighting the jackal.

Their feelings towards each other were mutual. But they never really got the chance to say everything because well.. they still had to kill the jackal.

But even after that she didn't get to, because then Marc got angry and stepped on the reflection. Even if Lana couldn't see him, she felt bad for him.

Steven on the other hand, was scared. He had no clue what to do, or where he was. It felt as if he was drowning.

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