Chapter 73

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"My path is set, same as anyones. Im here to bring balance." Ammit said, walking around Khonshu slowly.

"You speak of balance, yet you choose him. Your avatar is a sinner!" Khonshu said, putting his staff to the ground as he raised his voice in anger. He wanted to say something about how he abused Lana but then she would be in more trouble.

"You're jealous of his loyalty."

"Loyalty at what cost? An empty world for your disciples to inherit?"

"Don't listen to him. He only wants to keep you bound."  Arthur said.


Marc approached a frozen Steven in the sand, he got down on his knees to go on his level while he sighed and spoke.

"Steven. Looking pretty rough, man." He chuckled slightly.

"I don't know if you can hear me, from the moment you arrived, way back then, we were so young. You saved me. I survived because I knew I wasn't alone. You were always there, alive, full of hope."

Marc was telling the absolute truth.

"And I tried to protect that, and I failed. I couldn't protect you." He gasped when he saw that the sand was starting to move up his arm.

"But you didn't abandon me. You didn't abandon me. And although that field back there was looking... it was looking pretty good...there's no way in hell I'm gonna abandon you."

Marc tried to reach out his hand but it was dropped.

"You are the only real superpower...I ever had."

He reached out his hand and placed it with Stevens, the heart in the middle of both of them.

Then they were both stone, both lost, both gone.

That's what they thought at least.

The stones of Osiris's gates scraped as they opened. It shined light onto the heart, and it lit up in between Stevens and Marc's hands.

Steven groaned while his head was now free from the sand, Then his whole body was.

Marc was soon after, his head coming back to life before his body did.

He looked up at Steven and noticed the heart was full.

Steven looked up at him.



They both got up and out of the sand, standing up as Steven helped Marc.

"You came back? What the hells wrong with you?" Steven said. Marc could have had an eternal peace, that seemed more like a dream, too good to be true, but he came back to Steven.

"Well, I did a whole little speech there."

"It wasn't that little." He laughed before the two hugged each other.

They stopped hugging when Steven realized the gates were open. They were free.

"Marc, look. The gates are open!" Steven pointed


"Oh Khonshu, for a God, you are low on faith."

Nut then came into the middle, next to Khonshu.

"Nut." Arthur whispered, if she's here than Lana's also here.

Arthur had to resist the urge to go up to the Goddess to ask her if Lana was okay, and just hand her the note.

Khonshu looked at Nut, who nodded, as they both looked back to Ammit.

"You'll never learn." Khonshu said, gripping his staff tightly.

Ammit went for Khonshu first, ran up to him and threw him.

He quickly got back down just when Nut was gonna do something.

Nut and Khonshu went over to Ammit and Ammit growled at Nut, who had grabbed her tail and was about to knock her down with her very strong arms (they may look skinny but she strong my guy)

Ammit threw Nut and Then Khonshu who was just about to attack her again.

Khonshu and Nut both stopped before they got thrown and saved themselves, the both of them going down to attack her.

She grabbed Khonshus neck with one hand, and Nut's neck with the other.

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