Chapter 4

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He put more sand around his bed, and put tape on his door. A normal routine he did before.. staying awake.

"Hello and welcome to staying awake!" A female voice said, he got tired of the voice honestly.

"Let's start with trying to solve a puzzle. Solving puzzles is a great way to keep your mind awake.  Bored with puzzles? Try a book."

Stevens done everything, tried everything. The voice just replayed and replayed.

"Just remember you'll need about five hours to keep your natural self." She said. Steven especially got tired of that one line.

Lana had been telling him to get more sleep, before he looked even more like a zombie than he already did.

The voice replayed, and replayed.

Next thing he knew, he was outside. On a field. And there was a girl next to him.. his jaw was dislocated as well.

"Oh that was weird. What happened?" He asked himself out loud before he looked at the girl.

He noticed her hair, it looked a lot like.. Lana's.

"What the hell.." he muttered, getting up and crouching down to help you.

"Lana? Is that you?" He asked.

"Huh? Marc?" Lana  groaned.

"Marc? Who's marc?" He asked. "Oh shit" she muttered.

"Go back to sleep, worm." A voice in his head said.

"Hello?" He asked looking around.

"You're not supposed to be here, and neither is Lana."  Marc says.

"Yep I completely agree."

"Where are you?"

"Surrender the body to marc." Khonsu  says.

"Sorry what? The body? What...surrender the body what body?"

"Oh the idiots in control."  Khonsu says, irritated.

"Steven. Give me that." Lana grunted nodding to the beetle in his hand.

"Wh-what? Lana? "

He turned around and so did she.

"Hello. Hiya. " Steven said to the man looking out the window of the castle looking place.

"What are you doing?" The man asked Steven and Lana.

"No! No! No!" Steven said, and the man started shooting at them.

Lana grabbed his hand, practically dragging him down the field.

They both ran as fast and as far as they could, trying to avoid getting shot.

They decided to run towards a village. "They're heading towards the village." The man behind them said.

Well, if they weren't screwed before. They definitely are now.

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now