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Jake rolled out Arthur from the hospital he was staying in, Arthur noticed all the dead bodies and blood around them.

Someone opened the door when they reached outside, Jake grabbed him and practically threw him into the car, before shutting the door.

Jake also kicked down the wheelchair (for fun)

Arthur saw Khomshu and laughed.

"Khonshu. You can't hurt us." He said, sighing.

"Yeah. You want to know something? Marc Spector truly believed after he and I parted ways I wanted his ex-wife to be my avatar. Why would I ever need anybody else. But he has no idea how troubled he truly is." Khonshu tapped on the window.

"Meet my friend, Jake Lockley."

Jake turned around and spoke darkly in Spanish.

"Hoy es tu turno de perder. Esto es para Lana." (Today is your turn to lose. This is for Lana.)

Jake grabbed a gun and pointed it at Arthur who held up his hands.


Jake didn't listen and shot him anyways, Arthur groaned before he fell dead.


A few years later

Lana knew about Jake, and decided to take him in as if he was just like Steven or Marc. But she didn't know he shot Arthur.

They had gotten married and settled down. Lana took Stevens last name, because she didn't want to carry hers on.

And when she got pregnant the boys were more than excited.

And so when news came that she was carrying twins, they were even more excited.

Of course, Steven was the most nervous.

But after that, the children seemed to be pretty good, and Nut had been a great Aunt to them.

They could see Nut, she promised to protect them forever and Taweret and Layla was more than happy for them too.

The twins name was Alexander, after Alexander the Great, a name which Steven clearly chose. And Luna, Jake and Marc chose that one.

They were happy.

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now