Chapter 13

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"Do not tell Donna that I let you into this arena." J.B spoke as they entered the room where every single security file was in.

"Bruv, listen. I must warn you. What you're about to see is gonna melt you brain. Yeah? "

"Come on." J.B said, not believing a word that Steven said to him.

"Listen to me. It's like Area 51 like M16 bonkers."

"All right all right mate. You ready?" J.B said as if they were about to watch a movie.

"Yeah." Steven said. He was nervous, and scared. He was mostly scared for Lana, what if she got caught in all of this?

"Roll the tape."

There the were. Steven and Lana. "Is that you Scotty?" Who the hell is Scotty? Steven thought.

"Still Steven. That's me, and a.. friend who was waiting for me." J.B just furrowed his brow "Oh. Thought you two were dating, you know. She comes over here a lot to talk to you so I just figured.."

"No. We are just friends.." Steven said. The words pained him to say but he had to focus on the clip.

"Watch here it comes.." Steven said, but nothing came. Even though at that moment, Lana and Steven were scared for their lies, the footage didn't show the jackal.

"Are you crying?" J.B asked.

"A bit. Yeah. Watch here it comes. Wait for it."!Steven said and J.B thought he was joking for a minute. Because nothing came up yet again.

"Wait for it.." Steven said. But once again nothing came. J.B just looked confused "How long am I waitin?" He asked.

"Different angle. Yeah? Different. Different." Steven said, and J.B did change angles but still nothing showed up.

Nothing but Steven and Lana running away from something. "You and the girl messed up the loos." J.B said, noticing how they both ran into the bathroom.

"Sh.. I don't... "


"Larry in maintenance is gonna absolutely shoot you and your friend." J.B said.

"I swear to god, there was a dog chasing us. Like a big hound or.. Egyptian jackal. It was a jackal." Steven finally realized, not knowing how he didn't notice earlier.

"I've heard it all now. " J.B said, nodding back to the computers.

"Oh god. Oh god. Fast forward to when we come out. When we come out. " Steven said, closely looking as the security worker fast forwarded it.

Steven looked.. stunned. As if he was a deer looking into headlights. It was him, well not exactly him. He didn't remember coming out, and he especially didn't remember coming out with Lana.

Steven.. well actually marc looked at the Camera, and Lana kept walking while he stared at the camera and he looked back at her and ran to catch up to her.

Steven was so much more confused. He felt.. betrayed. Why didn't Lana tell him what's going on? Why has his lifelong friend not been telling him stuff? Why was she lying?

He was more confused, and hurt than ever.

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now