Chapter 22

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Lana looked up when she heard her dad say "Okay, what is it? Do you see him? You see him right now?"

Steven and Lana did indeed see him Lana waved at Khonshu who seemed to Un-tense his stance for a second then tensed back up.

"That's a privilege I no longer have."

"Kill him!" Khonshu said.

"Well, I would really like to as well.. but can't do that without Marc. To much people." Lana said, and her dad stares at her.

Khonshu looked at Lana "It's fine Lana, I'm not expecting you to do it alone."

"Break his windpipe!" He said turning back Steven, Lana thinks he was trying very hard to get Marc to come out.

"What's he saying, huh? Telling you both to kill me? You wouldn't kill your old man would you Lana?"

Lana shrugged " I would. Not like you ever cared for me anyways."

And Lana was just about to punch him, but failed. Right before she could he caught her fist and Steven looked at her amazed almost.

Khonshu sighed as Steven was begging the man to not hurt her while putting the cuffs back on her as she kicked and tried to fight him, which didn't work.

"I'm not gonna. Unless she tries something again." He said to Steven.

"Just remember you don't have to do everything he asks. So before you get excited like Your girlfriend here and put on the caps, I'd love to take this opportunity to show you guys around."

"She's not- she's not my girlfriend..." steven yelled and gasped as Khonshu got angry and started throwing things around with the wind while Lana walked beside Steven.

"It's all right. It's all right. That's all he can do without your help. Come."

Steven grabbed Lana's wrist as softly as possible helping her walk "Thanks." She muttered. Steven smiled at her.

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