Chapter 23

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"This neighborhood used to have the highest crime rate in all the city. There was so much suffering, so much pain.. good evening good evening." He said to Steven and lana and the last part to the people they were passing by.

To anyone this may have looked like a normal place, normal neighborhood. But it was anything but normal.

"It was truly heartbreaking. Now people don't lock their doors at night. They feel safe." Arthur continued, mostly speaking to Steven rather than lana.

Not like she cared anyways, Steven still had a gentle grip on her wrist, helping her balance and walk. "Lana.. I'm sorry I got you into this. Bollocks I'm such an idiot." He whispered to Lana.

"It's fine Steven, together forever, right?" Lana said, referencing to what they said when they were in fifth grade.

"Together forever." He repeated smiling and she smiled back.

"Oh. Chase are those the tomatoes? You have a green thumb beautiful. Thank you." Arthur thanks the man that came up to them.

"Oh so now your ordering other people around?" Lana said, scoffing quietly.

"I'm not ordering them around, it's simply them doing it because they want." Arthur said looking at his daughter.

"But you don't want to tell anyone, no. People don't want to hear good news. They'd rather cling to their fear, cling to their pain."

"Goat." Steven said pointing to a bleating goat and Lana smiled ever so slightly at him.

"What? Oh yes." Arthur chuckled.

He then started speaking in mandarin to a girl who kicked a ball to him and he kicked it back.

The girl spoke back to him. Steven looked to Lana and she just shrugged.

"You all speak Chinese?"

"Ah, mandarin. We all aspire to learn three languages."

Little did Steven and Arthur know Khonshu was looking at the three, and Lana saw him and just knowingly smirked then quickly looked back before Steven realized he was there.

"So, we teach each other. We share our knowledge." And they walked into some place inside.

"Wow." Steven said taking in the environment they were in.

People were sitting while looking at a projection, people were having fun it looked like. Which seemed suspicious.

"You guys hungry? The foods free. You're a vegan right?"

"Yeah." Steven replied to Arthur, he looked back to Lana to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah so am I. You might want to try the lentil soup. I made it this morning. It's victors recipe." Arthur said, pointing to a man sitting on a ledge.

"Gracias victor. He's from the Yucatan. He's... no, he's very funny."

"Here." Arthur said while handing a tray to Steven and he just looked at her "You want anything Lana?"
Arthur asked, but it seemed like he already knew the answer.

"No thanks, I'll pass." Lana spat, not really wanting to fall for whatever tricks he was planning.

"I know being on the right side of things is important to you both. Khonshu always tries to ensure those with a strong moral conscience. So does nut." He said the last part looking at Lana.

Steven was still wondering who Nut was.

"I'm sorry but do you mean the Egyptian god Nut? God of the sky and stars?" Steven asked and Lana sighed.

"Yeah, I was her avatar awhile ago. It happened while you were out of the state for a while. It's why I can see Khonshu."

"Wait, you can see him?"

"Steven, how haven't you noticed you idiot? God you really are oblivious" Lana said smiling slightly. He just laughed.

"Yeah.. guess I am."

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