Chapter 36

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Then he spoke as khonshu.

"Spare me your self-righteous threats! Me and Nut were banished for not abandoning humanity, unlike the rest of you." He said, looking around at every one of the gods avatars.

"We have not abandoned humanity. They abandoned us." One of them spoke.

"We simply trust our avatars. To carry out our purposes without calling undue attention to ourselves. Not like some of us."

"Avatars are not enough! We need the night of gods. Return from the opulence of the overvoid before you lose this realm. " khonshu spoke through Marc again.

"For the last time, Khonshu... the avatars that remain here are simply meant to observe. We decided long ago we do not wish to meddle in the affairs of man. We will decided our best course of action." The man spoke again.

"Speak your purpose." A woman this time said.

"I call for judgement against Arthur Harrow."

"The charges?"

"Conspiracy to release Ammit!"

"That is a heavy accusation, Khonshu." Marc looked up at the man.

"Let us summon the accused."

Marc looked back and was met with the sight he never wished to see again.

Arthur Harrow.

"So I see by the presence of Khonshu's current makeshift avatar, the purposes of our meeting must be nefarious."

"You know exactly why we are here!" Khonshu said at Arthur, rageful.

"I must admit I do not miss the sound of that voice. But speak, old master, to the point."

"Do you not seek to release Ammit from her tomb? "

"I was in the desert. But if visiting the sands were a crime, the line of sinners would be longer than the Nile. Khonshu has searched for Ammit's tomb since he ensnared me to his service." Arthur said turning to look at Marc.

"His vision is obscured by jealousy, paranoia, and his.."

He was interrupted by Khonshu "he is a deceiver! He treats his own daughter like she's not a human!"

Arthur turned to him frowned, and then spoke again. "Do not trust the word of a shamed god. No, khonshu is unhinged and his servant unwell. "

"How do you mean?"

"This is a man who literally does not know his own name. " Marc cleared his throat, in attempt to get him to shut the fuck up.

But he didn't, arthur just continued. "He has a marriage certificate under the name Marc Spector."


"Employment records under the name Steven Grant."


"I've seen him speak to himself.."

"Shut up!"

"Threaten himself." Arthur chuckled looking around. "I have no idea how many personalities he must possess."

"The man is clearly insane."

That was what made Marc snap.  He was just about to punch Arthur as a force stopped his hand before it hit him.

He fell on his knees, his hands bound. "We will not tolerate violence in this Chamber. "

Marc exhaled, and looked up.

"It brings me no pleasure to tell you that this is a deeply troubled man. Khonshu is taking advantage of him the same way he abused me."

In Khonshus head, he was literally wanting to kill this guy. Abuse? How could he use the word abuse to describe Khonshu? No, Arthur Abused Lana. It was the opposite.

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