Khonshus memories 3

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I was today years old when I found out that Ethan Hawkes daughter (Maya Hawke) Played Robin Buckley in stranger things. Dude, I love them both so much 😭

It was said in the Ennead rules that they themselves created, that a god mustn't have any sort of attachment to a human, it wasn't allowed no matter the relationship, wether it be a friendship, romantic, or just a parental love.

Well, khonshu did break that rule, and multiple others of course, being banished was a result of breaking those rules.

The Ennead never wanted to see Khonshu again, but they obviously did.


"Have you not learned your lesson, Khonshu? You've broken at least ten of our rules." Osiris asked the god.

Just as Khonshu was about to speak through Arthur, he was interrupted again.

"We have decided to banish you from here. We do not want to see you unless it is an emergency, if we see you, we won't hesitate to imprison you in stone, Khonshu. Do you understand?" Osiris said.

Khonshu didn't say anything,  and Arthur felt happy, it's as if his plan to get Khonshu away from him and his daughter was working perfectly.

Arthur followed Khonshu out, the two didn't speak at all for the rest of the night.


"Leave me and Lana alone, Khonshu." Arthur said, Before closing the door on the god.

Pft as if that was gonna stop one of the most ancient gods ever to stop from listening in on their conversation.

"Why'd you run away, hm? Who'd you run away to, Lana?" Arthur asked, raising his voice. Khonshu felt bad for the girl, knowing exactly what was about to happen if she didn't answer him, but she knew as well.

"Answer me!" He yelled this time, If he didn't calm down, Khonshu would interfere before anything got worse, which it always did.

Lana flinched from his yelling, and continued to stay silent.

In that silence, a slap could be heard. Khonshu opened the door and started to get mad at Arthur.

"Do not touch the girl. " Khonshu said, Lana could see him for some odd reason.

She backed up in fear, and Arthur noticed. Arthur looked at Lana then to Khonshu. Then Khonshu saw another god who she also saw, right next to her.

"Can you see him?" Arthur asked Lana who just bolted out the door.

Well, if that wasn't the most chaotic way to find out a god has chosen you to be their avatar, I don't know what is.

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