Chapter 27

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She woke up to Steven fighting the Jackal, she looked at him confused.

"Lana!" Steven yelled as he saw her.

Layla helped Lana stand up "thanks." Lana said and smiled.

She was growing to like her a bit more.

"No problem."

To Layla, it looked like he was fighting against air. The jackal started to choke him and Lana knew something had to happen.

Lana got up and punched the jackal, knocking it down for a while and Layla threw a glass bottle at it. That didn't help.

The jackal grew angrier, and threw Steven, Layla and kicked Lana down, making her gasp for air.

Steven was hit against a car, and Layla against a brick wall. Layla grabbed another glass bottle and attempted to hurt the jackal but it kicked her down too.

Layla groaned and crawled away from it, but it grabbed her feet.

Lana got up and punched it again, then grabbed a knife from the ground next to them.

She stabbed the jackal and it dropped Layla. But it didn't do much but stun it.

Steven threw a wheel at it but the jackal just hit him back with it.

Him and Lana were both on the ground next to each other.

"Give me control Steven. You can't handle this." Marc said.

"I think I can." He said and Lana got up.

"Lana. I got this, all right? I don't want you getting hurt."

"Wh- Steven. No. I'm not gonna let you do this alone."

"Lana. Don't argue with me now, please Lana. I love you too much for you to be go-" he realized what he said and she just stood.

"I didn't mean to say that-"

"I love you too Steven. Go."

Now it was his turn to stand in amazement.

"Yeah I see you, you plug ugly coyote. You're in the wrong ends mate. You're in my yards now." Lana laughed lowly, he looked as if he was about to box an Egyptian jackal.

"Yeah. Come on. Come on. That's right. Come on. Ooh, lookie here. Lookie here. Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, my name is Steven with a V." He said causing Lana to smile ever so slightly despite the circumstances.

What? In her defense it was funny.

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