Chapter 75

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"Ammit has been freed. We were not strong enough to stop her. Marc Spector, I need your help."Khonshu said, Nut and Lana still oddly enough playing tic tac toe, I mean hey if you are gonna risk your life for the rest of the world fighting an Egyptian gods war, you might as well have fun.

Marc looked down to Lana and Nut, He observed Nut especially closely. Since he didn't know her all that well.

Then he looked back up at Khonshu, he wasn't Marc anymore though.

His suit shifted and it was Stevens. Lana eyes widened as she ran into his arms, he stumbled back slightly before hugging her back.

"Ah, just curious about something." He said, stroking Lana's hair as she stayed hugging him tightly and buried her head in his chest, while he looked back up to Khonshu again.

"How's this whole new arrangement gonna work then?" He said, while Lana stepped away to give the man some room, and she sat on a rock (Nut was now next to her as well)

She couldn't see, but he was blushing underneath his mask.

"Steven Grant, I was not speaking to you."

"Yeah, all right. But we do come as like a package deal now, so you are gonna have to deal with me. And we did just save your life, so.. you're welcome for that."

Khomshu grumbled, looking at Lana, and then back to Steven.

"But I do think that you should answer my question though. How's this deal gonna work?"
He asked, finding a rock and sitting on it next to Lana.

"You would negotiate now, with so much at stake?"

Steven chuckled "Well, we did learn from the best, you silly old bird."

Lana and Nut laughed loudly, causing Khonshu to mumble something under his breath again. But he said something that made Lana shut up.

"I will release you both. You have my word." 

Lana perked her head up, and looked up at Khonshu. "But- Khonshu. Please... please.." she was literally about to cry, Steven felt worse about this. But in his defense he did ruin their lives, so..

Khonshu patted her head as she hung onto his old bandages for dear life, him looking down at her and her looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

"You're the only real father I've ever had."

"I'm sorry, little one. But, I did promise them I would set them free." He continued patting her head, Nut had to step and grabbed her from behind.

Her tears had stained the old bandages on the bird, she didn't fight or resist the Goddess, she simply just gave up and cried into her shoulder as Nut pulled her into a hug.

Steven cleared his throat."Now how the heck are we gonna get back To Cairo?"

"You forget, little worm. I am still the God of the Night Sky."

"Hey!" Nut said, grumbling something as Lana wiped her tear and they got ready to go as the sky turned darker.

"Hey, Marc I think you can take this one."

"Hurry up, idiots!"

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