Chapter 61

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"Did you hear that?" Steven asked.

He ran towards where the sound came from, While marc tried to stop him.

"Hey." Marc ran towards where he went and into the room Steven was in.

There was people, dead people to be exact in a mental hospital room.

"Just a creepy caff filled with dead bodies. That's all it is. No prizes guessing whose room this is. Yours." Steven pointed to Marc.

Marc looked around, he recognized these people. All of them.

The scale was in the middle of the room, it was still uneven.

"Dubai. Gabon. New York. No way. Oh, man." Marc said, while looking at all the people he had killed. He felt a weird feeling of guilt in his stomach.

"What, do you know these people? No. Oh, no. Surely not all of them? You killed all of them?" Steven finally realized.

"They were criminals. Murderers. Predators. The worst of the worst. Khonshu wanted them punished. It's what he meant by protecting the travelers of the night." Marc explained while walking around still while looking at every single person.

"And you remember each person?" Steven asked.

"You try taking a life. See how quickly you forget. Kept wishing I'd fail and one of them would kill me instead. The healing ended up being a curse."

"Marc! Do you see this? Look." Steven said, looking towards the scale.

"The scales are slowing down. It's working." Steven said.

"Okay, all right. So then, now what? What do we do? Do you go next? Or-" Marc tried, but was interrupted when Steven spoke again.

"Um.. who's that? Marc, why is there a child in a room filled with people that you've killed?" Steven said, scared that Marc had actually killed a child.

"Steven, look. Don't go near him."

Steven didn't listen however. "Hey little man. What's your name, there? Wait a moment." Steven said as the boy ran away and Steven ran after him, while Marc chased after Steven.

"Steven! Wait! Wait! " Marc ran after Steven who was running and opened a door.

"Come on! No, wait! Steven! Steven!" Marc banged on the door.

"Open the door! Open the door!" Marc tried to get Steven to open the door, but was ignored as he looked around.

"Mom?" Steven said, still very confused.

"Foods ready. Who's hungry? RoRo?" His mom asked.

Marc put his forehead against the glass of the window.

"Mom, come check out my drawing." Marc's brother said, while drawing a fish that looked oddly familiar to Steven.

"He drew the fish with only one fin." A young Marc said.

"Marc be nice to your little brother." His mom said.

"I had a brother?" Steven asked himself.

"I'm not hungry. Want to go to the cave with me and Lana?" Marc asked his brother, who looked towards Lana who was grinning widely behind Marc.

"Lana..." Steven whispered.

"We'll eat later." Marc said.

"Boys? And.. Lana. Don't be gone too long." His dad told the three of them.

"Yes Mr. Spector. I'll see you later!" Lana said while grabbing Marc's and his brothers hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, Marc. What do you do? Keep on eye on your brother. Okay?" His mom stopped them.

"Laters, gators."

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Spector! I'll see you guys later!" Lana yelled out yet again, before tightening the grip on the boys hands.

"In a while, crocodile."

Steven realized that was the same thing that Lana had said a lot of times to him.

"Where'd they go?" Steven said, looking for the three of them.

"Let's do it. Let's go."

"I'll be Rosser, though."  Randall, his brother said.

"Can you hear that Dr. Grant?" Randall said in his best British accent.

"I sure do, Rosser."

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now