Chapter 74

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Steven and Marc looked at the gates, and Marc saw sand coming at them from behind when he looked back,

Sand waves were crashing down, coming closer and closer to them, they helped each other as they ran.

"Oh, bollocks. Come on. Let's go!"

"Come on let's go!"

"You can do it! Almost there!" Steven said, Marc's leg was still in stone which made it much harder to walk.

He dragged his feet across the sand floor.

"I'm slowing us down. Just go." Marc had said.


Meanwhile, Nut was currently fighting Ammit as she had thrown Khonshu moments ago.

Khonshu leaned against the wall, and Nut punched Ammit in the face, making her fall to the ground before quickly picking herself up.

But was then thrown right onto Khonshus lap, she quickly scrambled off and tried to go behind him, they were both much bigger than her.



"Coming through!" A happy female voice said through the sand, it was Taweret.

"Osiris, you old softie!" She drove the boat in between the sand to stop it from getting to Steven or Marc before her.

"No, run!"

"Hippo!" Steven shouted excitedly, throwing his arms up as they ran back.


"Tell me to spare you both, and I will."

"I don't beg for mercy." Nut sneered harshly at the other Goddess as Khonshu spoke after her.

"I choose obliteration over mercy."


Steven and Marc were right in front of the gates at this time.

"We're almost there! Come on!" Steven shouted as the both of them yelled when they went into the gates and were back in Marc's body.

Marc quickly splashed around in the water, getting up quickly.

Khonshu sensed Marcs presence and so did Nut, because the two of them looked at each other.

"Marc?" They both said, and disappeared, Khonshu going to Marc and Nut going back to Lana and Layla already healed with her amazing regeneration powers.


"Khonshu...." Marc said weekly, as he remembered everything that had happened.

"I feel the pain inside of you. Do you want death, or do you want life? Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night? Rise and live again!"

Khonshus voice echoed in his head, Marc groaned as the bullets fell out of his body and onto the floor.

Then, the suit came over him. He was now the moon knight again, which meant khonshu was back. (Not so Much to Marc's surprise)

"All right. Here we go."


Khonshu, and Lana were both there. Lana had left Layla on accident when she was summoned by Nut. They were now at the desert.

Marc saw the both of them, and walked towards them, slightly confused on who the tall lady with blueish Grey-ish skin and very ancient clothing is.

"Khonshu." Marc said, walking up to them.

"I knew you'd miss me."

"Layla turned you down didn't she?" Marc asked, still staring at Nut.

Nut and Lana were crouched over the sand and were playing tic tac toe in it like children at the beach. Khonshu looked down at them and sighed deeply before looking back at Marc.

How could one of the most dangerous Goddess's be playing tic tac toe while a whole God that wasn't supposed to be free, is free and is probably gonna destroy the world, along with a girl?

"Ammit has been freed."

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now