Chapter 38

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And that's why they were currently in a boat.

"So what exactly are we gonna do here? What's the plan? " Marc asks Layla who is sitting across from him.

"Oh. It's not pleasant being left in the dark, is it? " Layla said.

Marc looked around "Okay. I get that you're not happy about me leaving so quickly and coming to Cairo. I understand. "

"Wait. Is that- is that your apology? That's good. That's really good."

"Just so we get through tonight maybe let's just give our shit a rest for a moment. And just try to strategize before we get to..." Marc tries to remember.

"Mogart's?" Layla finished for him.


"Just so you know I'm not here to help you.I'm here for me, Lana who seemed really cool by the way, and everyone else who would die if Harrow succeeds."

"Copy that." Marc nodded in understanding.

"Good. " she leaned back.

"I am sorry. For whatever that's worth."  Layla looked the other way for a moment before Marc spoke again.

"So this Mogart guy he's really gonna have the Sarcophagus? " Marc asked.

"Yes, I asked around. Mogart's collection is prime gossip for those of us who deal in antiques. "

The volume of the music on the boat increased.

"You could've told me. You know? What's its been like for you. With Lana and Steven.."

"Lana... she's nice but the girl has her issues. For what it's worth I had Steven under control until very recently. "

"What happened?" Layla asked him.

"Doesn't matter. " he said looking down at his shoes. He didn't want to talk about it.

"We could've handled it together. " they stared right across from each other.

"Yeah. That's not really what I do is it? Never really been able to just.. talk about everything."

"Anything real? " she finished his sentence for him again.

He nodded "Yes."

"Yeah I know. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have. "

"Yeah, maybe. A little too late for that now, though." He said.

Layla looked hurt almost, but she didn't wanna show it.

She tied her hair up as Marc spoke, and sat back in the chair.

"Okay. Let's get our story straight. "

"This guys got a lot of friends." Marc said, looking at everyone having fun and partying for god knows what reason.

"Yeah, and a lot with guns."

He went back in his bag to grab something then realized a boat was watching them. The boat seemed dark, eerie. "What is it?" Layla asked, watching where he was looking.

"Harrows men keeping tabs?"

"I don't know. It could be. Just keep your eye out for Lana. She could very well be on one of those boats. And Khonshu is gonna be pissed if I don't find her soon."

"Let's go."

"Remember, your name is Rufino Estrada. " Layla said as her and Marc walked through the crowd.

"Right. We just got back from our honeymoon in the Maldives. That's an interesting little detail to give to them."

"I'd tell them you worked at a gift shop but they'd never believe me would they?"

They crept closer and closer to him with every step.

People were riding horses, an easy observation.


"Layla. "

"It's been a while." She said shaking his hand.

"Good to see you." Bek said.

"Yeah." Was all Layla said

"Right this way." He said guiding Layla and Marc.

"Thank you."

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