Chapter 28

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"Oh, my god. Here you come, come on!" Steven said as the jackal ran towards him and he punched it.

"What? WAGWANNN! I did it! You got planted! Lana! Lana! Did you see that?" She smiled at him..

That moment was very short lived because out of no where the jackal got up and knocked him down.

Lana ran over to him, she has never ran faster.

The jackal started hitting him, Lana attempted to get the jackal off of him but was thrown across the road causing her to groan, she's pretty sure she broke her hand.. and maybe her ribs.

Then a car came over and hit Steven. "Steven!" She rasped out.

Steven gasped and got up, looking at Marc who was looking at him through the reflection of the bus.

"That was a hell of a punch back there. Look around. Lanas hurt. Don't make anyone else hurt, someone else will if you don't let me help."

"All right. Do it. Take control for now." Steven said, looking back at Lana.

And with that Marc did. The actual suit instead of whatever he was wearing before (which by the way Lana thought was very attractive and wouldn't mind if he kept it)

The jackal roared at Marc and Marc grabbed the crescents from the suit.

"Get it out of here." Layla told him. And that he did.

Marc jumped on a car, breaking the window. And then climbed up a building.

Meanwhile on the ground, Layla helped Lana up. "I can walk. I can walk." She said.

"It looks like you have a broken hand.. you should probably get it checked out."

"I will. But I need to know something."

"Alright. Be careful, Lana."

"You too, Layla." She smiled at the woman.


After the jackal was gone, Lana had found Marc. "Lana." He spoke.

"You should've just gone with Layla. You need to get checked out by a doctor." He muttered.

The suit was gone now.

"No, no. Where is it? Where is it? Shit! Shit!" He yelled getting on his knees.

He couldn't find the scarab. "St- Marc.. we'll find it. Don't worry." Lana said, wrapping her arms around him trying to comfort him.

"So, this is what it's like? Being on the inside? " Steven asked but this time it was Steven inside the reflection instead of Marc.

"Yeah. " Marc said, Lana took a guess that he was talking to Steven.

"It's horrible."

"It's all right. You're all right. "

"It's all right, just breathe through it. It gets easier. "

"How long have you been doing this?"  Steven asked and Marc looked at Lana then back to the ground.

"I don't know.. it's a long time..."

"I don't like it." He spoke, sounding scared.

"Long time."

"I don't want it. Can I have my body back? "

Marc stood up and so did Lana.

"I can't do that right now, Steven."

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