Chapter 69

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😏 chapter 69?

"Gabon. New York. Dubai." He noticed all the people coming up onto the boat.

One threw a punch, and Marc threw one back, his body turning to sand as another person from behind him grabs his neck and drags him.

Marc thrashed his arms in attempt for the man to get away, but it didn't work as he too turned to sand and seemed unaffected by Marc's punches and hits. Another one came in-front of him and grabbed his legs.

They were about to throw him off the edge before Steven decided to take action.

"Taweret!" Steven yelled, in attempt to get the god to help them.

Steven looked as Marc screamed and kicked the people.


Steven turned the boat around, and Marc fell on the other side along with the people.The boat stopped turning and Marc was on his knees. Another person came up and hit him with a bat, knocking him down again.

"Oh, God." Steven covered his mouth as he watched.

"Marc, you've got this." Steven tried, but Marc gave up and let the people take his body at this point.

They grabbed his arms and were about to throw him off the ledge, for a second time. Then Steven finally realized.

"But if I'm means I've got this, too."

Steven ran towards Marc and the two men, punching one as he fell to the floor, Steven grabbed the bat and hit the other with it, yelling in victory.


Marc looked in shock.

Steven shrugged "I prefer cricket."

Marc smiled, but his smile faded when he saw another one coming at Steven.

Steven turned around, and Marc got up. Steven hit the unbalanced soul twice, and he fell to the ground. Steven hit him more, making sure to finish the job. His body was nothing but sand now.

"Ow!" Steven exclaimed, shaking his hands after beating the man brutally with a bat.

Steven put a thumbs up to Marc. Marc was trying to catch his breath, but it wasn't Over yet. Yet another sand person came up and grabbed his neck.

Marc held his neck.

"No! No!"

Steven ran towards Marc before he was thrown off the ledge, a 3rd time.

"Marc! Marc, no!"

Steven grabbed the sand person, and threw him off, but Steven fell with him. Marc's neck was free from the persons grasp.

Marc looked down in horror as Steven and the person fell onto the sands. "Steven! Steven!" Marc yelled, the boat kept moving forward.

Steven groaned as he laid on the sand, hearing Marc's cries for him, he must have finally realized he was on the sands of the Duat.

"No, wait. Wait. Wait! Wait!"

"Steven run!" Marc called from the boat.

"Wait! Wait, he's coming! Keep... stop the boat. Stop the boat!" Marc yelled as Steven tried to catch up to it.

"Wait! Wait!" Stevens movements slowed down, his feet felt like they were unmovable. The boat was too fast for him, he couldn't possibly reach up to it. The Duat would claim him sooner.

Steven fell on his hands and knees, looking up at the boat.

"Oh, god."

"Steven!" Marc called again as he saw Steven on the ground.

Steven held out his hand, like he could reach it. But he couldn't, no one could save him now. He knew this.

"No, no, no! Steven!"

Steven groaned as his whole body turned to stone, a face of mixed feelings visible. His body was frozen and lost in the sands of the Duat.

"Stop the boat! Stop the boat!" Marc tried, looking back as the scales clanked, Marc looked back at Taweret and the scales.

Taweret gasped.

"Your scales are balanced."

He wasn't on the boat anymore. He was on a rather peaceful field, he looked around and noticed it was the field of reeds.

Mountains and crops surrounded him, the sun shining a orange color as it hid behind the mountains.

It was.. quiet.

It was peaceful, but he gained peace at what cost?


Water splashed around Marc's bloodied body.

After some convincing from Lana to stay, Layla and Lana went back into the tomb carefully, luckily they haven't gone that far from it.

A man dragged out Marc's body, placing him on the steps as Arthur looked at it, crouching down to it.

A man took Ammits statue from his hand, and passed it to Arthur. He looked at it carefully, and handled it carefully. He had been looking for his whole life basically for this.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, whoever else might be in there." He spoke to the body.

Layla and Lana listened carefully.

"Sometimes we need the cold light of death before we can see reality." Arthur stood up.

Layla saw a man, and quietly took him out. He grunted which caused Arthur to look back, but he simply ignored it.

Arthur started to walk to his followers, Layla and Lana looked.

He held up the statue causing everyone to fall to their knees in worship.

"Who wants to heal the world?"

Weirdo (Steven Grant)Where stories live. Discover now