Chapter 77

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Rumbling was heard from underneath the pyramid rubble.

Another piece of it fell, and Layla stepped on it in her new outfit that Taweret made for her. It was beautiful.

She looked at it, and grabbed behind her and wings came out.


Arthur was Chanting while Lana and Marc landed onto the pyramid. Arthur rushed down and stopped chanting.

Ammit growled in anger, she needed more unbalanced souls.

Lana and Marc ran to him, and Arthur continued running down.

Marc was in front of Lana, and kneed Arthur's face.

Khonshu attempted to hit Ammit with his staff, and Nut gave a lot of her energy to Lana and Khonshu since she couldn't turn huge like the both of the other God's.

Lana stayed on the ground while Marc and Arthur fought in the air, Marc turned to Steven midair and started to fall, and then turned back to Marc, saving himself.

Lana used Nuts energy and flew over there while also using her very good speed  (like khonshus)

She was on the ground in an instant, khonshu and Ammit on the other hand kept fighting.

Khonshu knocked Ammit down with his staff, she fell onto the pyramid and Khonshu pinned her with his staff.

Marc and Arthur on the other hand, neared the ground Marc dodging people and other things.

Then they hit the ground, and Lana quickly ran over and helped Marc up.

"There is so little difference in what we want for this world. Why do this dance for the rest of time?" Ammit said, still pinned down by Khonshus staff.

"You know the answer. I only punish those who have chosen evil."

"So do I, only I don't give them the satisfaction of commuting it." She said, pushing his staff back and knocking Khonshu down this time.

Lana looked over, Saying she was overwhelmed was a understatement.

1, Her dad was about to be bound to an ancient Goddess. 2, her boyfriend was fighting that father. 3, Her only really good father figure was fighting that Goddess and was losing at the moment. And 4, she had no clue where Layla was.

"Be at my side." She said.


Marc groaned as Lana tried to help him, but she was stopped by Arthur as he hit her in the head with his cane, making her fall to the ground.

And then he hit Marc, his head falling back down.

And then he stilled, realizing what he had done. Had Ammit really corrupted him this bad, to the point he hurt his own daughter?

Nut helped her up, and pushed her slightly out of the way, but Lana couldnt find it in herself to move.

Arthur pointed his cane at Marc, but only Marc.

Then, Layla came flying in and kicked Arthur before he could.

Lana could feel her vision going blurry, but that stopped when the regeneration that she had thanks to Nuts armor and worked.

Arthur fell to the ground, and Lana stood up and sighed.

"Well. I guess killing my dad can go on the list of things I wanna do right now." She shrugged.

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