Chapter 3

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Steven the next day wakes up, he looked around and took off his ankle restraints. He felt as if something was wrong. Really wrong

He gets up, gets dressed, and removes the tape from his door. Steven was extremely paranoid. He was worried that while he was sleepwalking he would just.. leave.

He feeds Gus, and says hi. He also calls his mom.

He gets his stuff and leaves to go to work.

"Wait!" He says chasing after the bus. When he does get on, the lack of sleep catches up with him. He falls asleep on some stranger. Before being jolted awake by him.

He saw a kid, by a model of a pyramid, got did he really wanna be a tour guide. Lana told him that sm he would be a good tour guide and that Donna just didn't see it.

She also called Donna stupid to which Steven just agreed with.

"They'd take this big metal hook, right? And they go up the old nozzle and.. all the organs would come out except for the heart." He explained.

"How come?" The girl asked.

"Because they believed you needed your heart to be judged in the underworld.  And only the worthiest would be allowed to pass through the field of Reeds."

"And did it suck for you? Getting rejected from the Field of Reeds?"

"That doesn't make sense cause I'm not dead am I?" He joked.

"Stevie." A woman's voice said, who he guessed was Donna.

"That better not be you again." She said.

"Sorry, Donna. Yeah sorry. got it." He said  grabbing the boxes from her hands.

"Don't know how many times I have to tell you this. Your not the bloody tour guide Stevie."

"Steven, actually. I am... Steven." He said pointing to his name tag he just put on.

"No. Your bloody useless unless you're doing what you're paid to do. Which is to sell these to children." She said harshly.

"Got it." He said, sounding a bit more upset.

"Hello." Another woman says as she comes up.

"Hello." He said.

"How's the sugar trade going?"

"I don't even know what this has to do with Egypt really. They didn't have that back then, did they? No. They liked figs and dates, and.."  he got interrupted by her.

"My next tours here but just checking, we still on for 7:00 tomorrow?"  She asked, making him look confused.

Is she asking me out?

What should I say?

What if I hurt Lana's feelings?

What if-

His thoughts spun all over the place. He was really confused now.

"7:00 tomorrow?" He asked, still really confused.

"Best steak in town?"

"Oh, yea. Right. Yeah."  He said, despite not knowing what she was going on about.

"Yeah? Okay." She chuckled.

"Sorry. But... are you asking me out?" He asked her confused.

She just laughed "you're funny. I'll see you then." Which made Steven even more confused, if that was even possible.

Steven just nervously laughed.

"Stevie, you absolute rascal. I didn't know you had taken a crack." Donna says walking up to the counter he was at.

"I didn't know either."

"Hang on did she say steak? What in the worlds a bloody vegan gonna eat in a steakhouse?"

"I don't know, Donna. Salad? Bread?"

"Yeah. I can see why she went for it. Real catch you are." She said sounding annoyed and she just walked away.


"That's why you'll be on inventory this week." Donna said.

That mean he would have to cancel hanging out with Lana, damn.

But he ignored it as he went to tell her what's wrong with the banners and stuff.

He left as he ate and ranted to a.. statue. Yep a bloody statue.

"So The girl I was telling you about, the one from work. We're going on a date tomorrow. I do have to say I wish it was Lana instead."

A guy and girl asked him to take their picture and Steven being Steven, he did obviously.

"Anyways if I am gonna have a girlfriend, if it's Lana or someone else. Obviously can't have ankle restraints on my bed, can I? That's like the definition of a red flag, isn't it?"

"All right, I better jog on. Nice catching up." He said leaving the statue.

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