Lanas memories 3 TW ⚠️

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This is here cause it's an important part of hers and Stevens relationship. Please skip if you feel uncomfortable.
Not for my younger audience, please skip if you are younger.

I'm gonna cry I'm so sorry omg

It was supposed to be a normal day, This is the second time she has ran away from her dad. And he was even more mad than the first time she did.

She needed an outlet. She had no one, except for Steven.

She was currently sitting in the bathroom, with the blade in her hand and the blood trickling down her arm.

"Shit." She muttered softly wincing slightly at the pain, yet the pain felt so good.

"Lana? You in there?" Steven asked knocking on the bathroom door. What was he doing home? He was supposed to be at work for another like 5 hours?

"Y-yeah! Give me a minute." She quickly put a bandaid on it, not having time to clean it up and slipped on her jacket, biting her lip trying not to make a sound.

It hurt. Everything hurt.

"Hey. You good? You're crying." He asked her.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm good." She said and he frowned not believing her, he looked in but then she realized she forgot to put away the blood-stained blade.

"Lana.. " He embraced her in a soft hug. It was comforting to cry in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He repeated, although none of this is his fault. "It's not your fault Steven."

"Did you do this because of your dad?" He asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry. This shouldn't be your problem. I've done nothing but another mouth to feed for you. I'm sorry Steven, ill leave-"

"No Lana, none of this is your fault. You've been great. You're way better company than a fish anyways. Your my best friend. We are supposed to stay together." He paused for a moment.

"Together forever. No matter what Lana." Those words stuck with her forever.

"Your the best." She sniffled while hugging him tighter.

"Let's get you cleaned up, right?"


Steven took care of her, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for her.

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