Chapter 15

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"Well, that's it. I got the sack." Steven spoke to the street performer. The poor man was very confused on why he talked to a street performer instead of anyone else.

"I don't em. I'm a vandal. Me and my friend should've been arrested. Speaking of my friend, I wanna ask her out y'know... I just don't know how. I'll probably figure it out soon yeah?" The street performer stayed the same.

Steven sighed, "we found this hidden in my flat. I swear I'm not joking. That's worth exploring, isn't it? Like if I could find that strange locker, that might be my one chance to prove to myself that I'm not mad. Oh Mate, thank you. Thanks cheers." He hugged the performer who just gave him a weird side glance.

He went to several different storage units, until he found the right one.

"Hiya."  Steven spoke. "Hi. You all right?" The guy behind the desk asks Steven.

"Yeah. Um, look, man, this is like, the fifth branch I've been to. I'm looking for my storage locker. It's under Steven Grant. If it's not under Steven Grant it might be under Marc. I don't have a surname, just Marc."

"A girl just went in. Of course I know you. #43 right?" The guys says.

"A- a girl? What's her name?"

"Said her name was Lana Spector I. I've seen her here multiple times with you." The guy said.

The guy got up and a million questions were in Stevens head. Spector wasn't her last name. Who was Spector? Why'd she use a fake last name? Or was it fake, maybe she gave Steven a fake name and her real last name really was Spector.

They walked through the storage room.

"All right." The man said and when they reached it he unlocked it, Lana had asked him to lock it before he left. (He gave her an extra key so she could get out)

"Shit." Lana muttered as Steven opened the storage door.

"Lana? What are you doing here?" Steven asked.

"Steven. Your not supposed to be here." She said, while looking through a bag.

Steven came behind her, and looked in the bag then at her. "Listen Lana..I'm really confused could you please tell me what's going on?"

"That's up to Marc. Not me." She muttered and continued looking through it.

"Is that- is that a gun?" Steven said as she put the gun on the cot next to them. "No, it's a kite!" She said sarcastically and she groaned in frustration.

She stepped over looking around more, what she was looking for Steven didn't know.

Steven then looked through the bag. He took out everything that Lana put back in, which was The gun and a lot of money as well as Marc's passport.

"You know.. you should probably leave." Lana spoke again. He just ignored her as he saw the last name. "Marc Spector..."  he looked to Lana and she just stared at him with wide eyes.

"Spector." He repeated, remembering the name that Lana gave The man.

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