Chapter 24

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Ok but before I start bro I went to the mall yesterday with some of my friends and they probably got so annoyed because there was this moon knight poster outside of hot topic right? And so everytime I passed it I said "omg it's Oscar issac" or "it's my husband!" They probably hate me 😭

Anyways on with the chapter..-

"He often throws temper tantrums like a two year old. None of the gods respect him. Well.. except for nut."  Arthur said while narrowing his eyes at Lana.

"Perhaps that's why he's banished." Arthur said and Steven was holding his tray while trying to help Lana sit down, it's kinda hard to do that with no hands.

"I only punish those who have already done harm. I am real justice!" He said, angrily while looking down at the three while Lana just looked at the god while she was sitting next to Steven.

"What's he saying now? I am real justice?"

"Can you hear him?" Steven asked and with that question Lana sighed in annoyance.

"Not anymore. I was his former avatar. Before you. I was the fist of vengeance."

"I'm not the fist of anything. That's the little American man living inside of me." And Lana has to stifle a laugh, Marc was probably so offended.

"And that's uh, that's Marc?"  Arthur asked, aiming the question more towards Lana than Steven because she knew marc better than him at the moment.

"Soups... yeah. It's very good. It's ace. Yeah it's lovely." Steven said, trying to change the subject he was asking about.

"Khonshu punishes those who have already walked an evil path. His retribution comes to late. By the time his fist of vengeance arrives, people have already suffered. Ammit knows this too well. She tears evil up from the root casting her judgement before any evils done. That's why we must resurrect her." Arthur said looking at Lana.

Lana knew that he planned to make her Ammits avatar. She wasn't going to allow it and Marc wouldn't either. That's why he would protect her until he's dead.

"Yeah, we'll khonshu doesn't murder innocent people." Lana said narrowing her eyes as she tried to defend the god to the best she could.

Then Arthur brought up the Scarab and everyone came surrounding them.

"The scarab functions as a kind of compass, leading us to ammits tomb. She's out there waiting, longing to be freed. While the cruel masses deserve to face her judgement. And in the wake of their screams, evil eradicated. Steven, to exist at that moment? Heaven on earth." He paused for a moment.

"So, the scarab." Arthur said,  asking for it.

"Oh we don't have it." Lana and Steven said.


"Honestly, we don't have it. " Steven said.

"Well, maybe you know someone who does? Maybe Marc?"

Lana's eyes widened, Layla has it.

"Don't you do it. Don't you say her name. Don't give Layla up. Just give me the body. I can save us and Lana." Marc spoke.

"No, I don't."  Steven lied.

"May I speak with Marc?" Arthur asked.

"Um,uh.." Steven said trying to find the right words.

"Marc what has Khonshu promised you? That this is your last mission? Then you'll be free? Trust me when I tell you Khonshu is a liar. There's always one last thing. " he spoke looking at Steven.

"Sorry. If Ammit judges people pre-evil like, before the fact, then isn't she judging an innocent person?"

"Yeah? What about a child, Arthur? " Lana said as harshly as she could, trying to piss him off.

"I'm glad you mentioned that. Sometimes, the cure is a little taste of the disease." Steven looked down at Lana then back to Arthur.

"The difference between medicine and poison sometimes is only dosage. Consider a diseased limb. Amputation horrific, and grotesque, is necessary for the larger health."

"A child isn't a diseased limb. Sorry is that.. is that what... you're all into that like killing children and that? Maybe that's just me and Lana, but that's... I kind of draw a line there at child murder."

"Do you know what this is?"

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