Chapter 68

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My friend got this, my picture was blurry and she saved my life, thank god

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My friend got this, my picture was blurry and she saved my life, thank god.

Ss if you want!!


Marc's dad stares outside the window at his wife's funeral.

Marc was standing outside, and drinking away all his problems outside the house instead of being inside the house.

Marc's dad motioned his hand for him to com inside, but Marc didn't. Lana was currently Off the radar at this time, so she was no where to be found.

Marc ignored his dad, and walked away. He felt the sudden need to cry.

"No. No. Not gonna do it. I'm not giving you that satisfaction."

He started to actually cry, falling onto his knees as he sobbed, he took the Yarmulke that was on his head, and just smacked it on the ground, hitting it repeatedly in a whole ton of emotions.

"I'm so sorry. " he said, picking it up, and cradling it to his chest as he rocked back and forth on his knees as he sobbed.

"I'm so sorry." He cried.

He looked up from the ground, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head again, signaling he was Steven again.

"What... where am I?" He said, looking around the street.

"Bloody hell, what... oh bollocks. Not again." He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, as the other Steven watched.

"Heya, Mum. Hey, you all right? Yeah uhm." He chuckled, while the other Steven looked to the ground. "Would you believe it? I am totally lost again. I don't know where I am. What an absolute muppet! No, I know I did it again, but I don't know. I'm looking down a street...uhm. Kinda looks a bit like Mayfair I think."

Steven and Marc watched him walk away.

"Oh, they're driving on the wrong side. Sorry" he said, walking away to god knows where.

"This is it. Moms death and shiva two months ago. This was the moment our lives started bleeding into each other. Lana was the one who knew about you before me even." He sighed.

"I- I couldn't... i just couldn't face that again. All the things I'd done." Marc said.

"Marc, all those horrible things that she said to you, she was wrong. It wasn't your fault." Steven tried.

"I shouldn't have brought him in that cave. I should've listened to Lana."

"Hey." Steven put his hand on Marc shoulder.

"Hey. You were just a child. It wasn't your fault." Steven said.

The two shared a comfortable silence for a moment, before the ground started rumbling beneath and around them.

"Hey, do you feel that?" Steven asked Marc, as he looked around.

It stopped suddenly.

"I think we just stopped." He looked around some more, before pointing.

"The gates. The gates of Osiris. Come on. Hurry." And soon enough they were back on the boat again.

"Taweret, what's happening?" Steven asked, approaching her.

"I've never seen the gates to the world above so close. "

"How do we open them?" Marc asked.

"I'm so sorry. Your scales never balanced. Our journeys come to an end. I cannot stop the inevitable." Taweret said, sounding sad, as Steven and Marc both looked at the scales that were still unbalanced.

"I was really rooting for you guys. But the unbalanced souls of the Duat now must claim yours."

Hands were coming up and could be seen on the edge of the boat, as the unbalanced souls climbed up as Taweret walked away.

"Marc, they don't look very friendly."

"Hide. Hide"

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