Chapter 81

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Idk why I did this honestly but i did it

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Idk why I did this honestly but i did it

"While he lives, so too does she." Khonshu said.

"I have to finish this. If not, I'll never be free." Marc said, he was getting ready to but looked back to Lana as she just cried into Laylas shoulder.

"Marc! You have a choice. You are free." Layla said, while running her hands through Lana's hair softly in attempt to calm her down.

"The choice is vengeance." Khonshu said.

(Khonshu starting to sound like Batman)

"We cannot take the chance that Ammit finds a way out. She will kill again."

Lana raised her head and sniffled, looking at Khonshu as she spoke softly.

"Khonshu. Me and you both know that he wasn't the nicest, but does that really mean he needs to die? I forgave him. But you can't. Khonshu, you matter to me so much, but I- I don't know if I can love someone that thinks like that."

"Lana, you must understand. Ammit will find a way out and kill everyone. I've helped you with everything. I care about to you too, but he treated you like dirt!" He raised his voice at the end, causing Lana to flinch and he felt bad.

"I'm sorry, Lana. But this is the only way." He said, lowering his voice now.

"Now you sound just like her." Marc said, dropping Arthur.

"You want them dead. Do it yourself." He threw the crescents and Lana felt huge relief.

"Now release us."

"Lana, c'mere." Nut said form behind her and she walked over to her as She engulfed her in a huge motherly Hug.

(I have mommy issues so idk what a mother really acts like with a child she loves 😭)

Khonshu looked at Lana and back to Marc.

"As you wish." And khonshu left, Lana felt even worse and began crying again. (She literally just lost both of her fathers, give the girl a break)

Marc exhaled, he seemed very at peace.

The suit went away, and light surrounded them.


"So what, this is what reality looks like?" Steven said, looking around the doctors office again.

"The imagination is very real. This chair, desk the light were all first created in the imagination." Arthur said.

"But do you believe that Khonshu and Ammit are real?"

"Do I? No."

Marc leaned in closer to his face.

"And what if we disagree, doc?"


"What if we believe something different?"

"Then our work here continues."

Then he turned back to Steven.

"How long?"

"For as long as a piece of string." He walked back over to his desk, blood footprints following behind him as he walked.

Marc in stevens head spoke "Hey you see that, don't you?"

"Oh yeah. I see it. I see it."

"Why am i bleeding?" Arthur looked around, seeming panicked.

"Yeah, I don't think you know as much as you think you do." Steven said.

"And while it is tempting to accept your diagnosis, Doc..."

"We'd rather go save the world." Steven finished.

"Laters, gators."

Lana had decided to read the note, she hesitated before opening it up.

Dear Lana,
I am sorry. I am sorry for everything I've done wrong. I realize now that I've treated you like a father shouldn't treat his daughter. I wish I could have been better for you, but I don't know to love honestly. I tend to push people away, and I just was so caught up in Ammit I forgot about you. And for that I'm sorry. I understand if you don't forgive me, but you reading this probably means I'm dead. I am proud of you and am happy for you. I hope only the best for your future. And I haven't said it much but I truly do love you. I wish I could've spent more time and watched you grow into the person you are today, but I didn't and that is entirely my fault. I'm sorry, and I love you, I always have.
Love, your dad


Marc woke up, and felt someone shift next to him on the bed.


Marc cleared his throat as he smiled down at Lana, kissing her forehead as she stirred and woke up as well.

"Steven? You there?" Marc asked.

"Mmm." Steven said, confirming it.

Two fish instead of one.

"Cant believe it worked." He spoke.

"Can't believe you live in this fricking mess." Marc said, getting up.

"Wait! Marc-" Lana tried, as she sighed when he fell on the floor.

"An earlier warning would've been nice." He groaned.

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